As a result of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, I have neither the time nor the strength to continue working. 😥
This utility is designed to
analyze context bridges in Electron application and
create .d.ts
In one part of your application, you describe some API and expose it into the global context of the renderer.
doThing: () => ipcRenderer.send('do-a-thing')
However, for the TypeScript in the renderer knows nothing about the new global api.
// Property 'electron' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'.
Therefore, you must somehow register these apps.
This utility scans the source code and finds all exposeInMainWorld
calls. Then it generates a .d.ts
file with an
interface that can later be connected in the renderer.
doThing: () => ipcRenderer.send('do-a-thing')
// generated.d.ts
interface Window {
readonly electron: {doThing: () => void}
See more examples.
# global
npm i -g dts-for-context-bridge
# for project
npm i dts-for-context-bridge
# You can use glob pattern as input
dts-cb --input="preload/src/**/*.ts" --output="preload/exposed.d.ts"
# You can use tsconfig.json as input
dts-cb --input="preload/tsconfig.json" --output="preload/exposed.d.ts"
See all options by
dts-cb --help
import {generate} from 'dts-for-context-bridge'
input: 'preload/src/**/*.ts', // Or path to tsconfig.json
output: 'preload/exposed.d.ts',
The utility relies on AST analysis and currently does not cover all cases. Feel free to create PR.