Remote control Raspberry Pi via a Bluetooth keyboard or a remote shutter device.
- config needs to be part of the project somehow,
- there needs to be a home directory maybe (peapod?)
- ./bin commnds need to be reachable, first check CWD and then __dirname
JavaScript has changed since the original code used here was written, the underlying code must be largely re-written to take advantage of classes and async/await.
The Bluetooth devices this library needs to listen to, may have unique /proc/bus/input/devices characteristics, that this system must account for.
You need to add the user under which this will run to the input group:
usermod -a -G input $USER
npm i -g isir
# specify location of your commands
isir conf system options commands /home/peapod/peapod/commands # will have the macros look for commands in /home/peapod/peapod/commands
# create some macros
isir conf macro aardwolf command # will create an aardwolf macro that will execute in /home/peapod/peapod/commands
# teach iSir to associate keystrokes, or remote control, or remote shutter combinations.
isir learn -m aardwolf /dev/input/event{2,5} # now enter aardwolf in your keeb and that key combination will become associated with the aardwolf macro
# now run the server to monitor for the keystrokes
isir listen /dev/input/event2 # will now listen for the keycombination and execute /home/peapod/peapod/commands/ if it occurs
isir list # show potential input devices
isir watch /dev/input/event{3,5,8} # debug input data (connect a remote shutter, run this command, and start pressing buttons to see what is going on)
isir conf macro play command
isir learn -m play /dev/input/event2 # program will listen for a key combination associated with command and exit
isir learn -m stop /dev/input/event2 # program will listen for a key combination associated with command and exit
isir listen /dev/input/event2 # now it will recognize your key combinations/buttons and execute commands in bin
# please note you should run listen in the directory with bin in it, or just cd to the location of isir
# prefix things with env DEBUG=* for some debug info
Functional but still needs hooks, rewrites, and modularization.
This program uses some code from