A small and minimalist REPL shell, and a very lightweight JavaScript library meant to convert Operating System commands to functions.
import { cmd } from 'bashscript';
await cmd.echo("Grr Grr Meow!").exe; // Grr Grr Meow!
npm i bashscript
npm i -g bashscript # install bashscript REPL shell
$ bashscript # enter shell
> process.title
> process.uptime()
> cmd.echo('Meow!').value()
Promise { <pending> }
> await cmd.echo('Meow!').value()
> const command = cmd.echo('Foo');
> command
Shell {}
> await command.value();
> command.result
command: 'echo Foo',
exitCode: 0,
stdout: 'Foo',
stderr: '',
all: undefined,
failed: false,
timedOut: false,
isCanceled: false,
killed: false
import { cmd, exe } from 'bashscript';
const { echo } = cmd;
const result = await exe( echo("Meow!") );
assert.equal(result, "Meow!");
import { cmd } from 'bashscript';
const result = await cmd.echo("Meow!").value();
assert.equal(result, "Meow!");
import { cmd } from 'bashscript';
const result = await cmd.echo("Meow!").exe;
assert.equal(result, "Meow!");
import { cmd } from 'bashscript';
const { pipeline, cat, echo, tr, grep } = cmd;
const result = await pipeline(
cat( echo('package.json') ),
tr( '"[a-z]"', '"[A-Z]"'),
assert.equal(result, ' "NAME": "BASHSCRIPT",')
import { cmd } from 'bashscript';
const { pipeline, cat, printf, dirname, readlink, which, grep, head } = cmd;
const result = await exe( pipeline(
head('-n', 1)
) );
assert.equal(result, ' "name": "npm",')
import { cmd } from 'bashscript';
const { pipeline, cat, printf, dirname, readlink, which, grep, head } = cmd;
const result = await pipeline( cat( printf( "%s", dirname( readlink( '-f', which('npm') ) ), "/../package.json" ) ), grep('name'), head('-n', 1) ).value();
assert.equal(result, ' "name": "npm",')
import { cmd, pipeline } from 'bashscript'; // a pipeline helper can also be imported directly from the bashscript module.
const { cat, printf, dirname, readlink, which, grep, head } = cmd;
const result = await pipeline(cat( printf("%s", dirname(readlink('-f', which('npm'))),"/../package.json" )), grep('name'), head('-n', 1) ).value();
assert.equal(result, ' "name": "npm",')
#!/usr/bin/env -S node --trace-uncaught
import { inspect } from 'util';
import { cmd } from '../index.js';
const { montage } = cmd;
const files = ['a.png', 'b.png', 'c.png'];
const tile = 2;
const filePath = '/tmp/test.jpg';
const command = montage(
{'-background': '"#212529"'},
'-geometry': '320x230',
console.log(await command.string);
// await command.exe; // to execute;
montage -background "#212529" a.png b.png c.png -geometry 320x230 -tile 2x /tmp/test.jpg
Not related to Bash the GNU Project's shell (the Bourne Again SHell), this is a JavaScript library that automagically converts system commands to JavaScript functions (Think "bash, verb: strike hard and violently");
Need for OS command integration arose from development of https://catpea.com, I was unable to locate small enough solutions that worked well for me. I came across proxy-www and ended up creating munchhausen and later bashscript.