Visit for the most recently deployed web build!
Note: Not maintained so may be outdated / broken
- Install application dependencies:
npm install
- Install typescript:
npm install -g typescript
- Navigate to: /types/
- Initialize Git repo in /types/:
git init
- Clone typescript header files:
git clone
- Navigate back to the main directory: /
- Start the application:
npm start
- Refer to the UML.pdf
- /app: contains /models/ and routes.js (which contains the AJAX routing calls).
- /config: contains backend javascript files that handle the user login and sign up system and holds the database route.
- /app/models: contains the implemented schemas for the program.
- /public: contains files and javascript files that interact and are used by the application
- /public/js: contains angularjs controllers and services
- /public/app_images: generic web app pictures
- /public/uploads: temporary upload storage for files which are then streamed to mongodb
- /public/bootstrap & /public/bootstrap-tagsinput: bootstrap src files
- /views: contains all website pages viewable by the user
- /server.js: handles setting up global variables and establishes the database connection
- /package.json: lists the application dependencies
- / automated selenium black-box tests
- Bootstrap Tag Objects:
- Bootstrap Theme:
- File Uploading (Multer) Tutorial:
- PassportJS Tutorial: