Gander is a preconfigured Open Telemetry stack relying on Prometheus, Grafana, and Grafana Tempo. It is ready to accept traces produced using Drupal core's PerformanceTestBase phpunit test framework.
For more information on the phpunit side of things, see
- Install ddev if you haven't already.
- Enable ddev on your local Drupal project.
- Ensure you can already run functional JavaScript tests in the ddev environment.
Add Gander and run Drupal's performance tests via a git clone of Drupal core:
- ddev add tag1consulting/ddev-gander
- ddev restart
- ddev ssh
- cd web/core
- To run a single test three times in order to check the Gander installation:
for run in 1..3; do vendor/bin/phpunit -c core/phpunit.xml profiles/demo_umami/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/OpenTelemetryNodePagePerformanceTest.php --filter hot; done;
- To run all OpenTelemetry tests:
vendor/bin/phpunit -c core/phpunit.xml --group OpenTelemetry
- Check the Grafana dashboard via: http://localhost:3000/