Tools to mine and compute metrics on OSS software.
This repository is organized as follows:
- data_analysis contains queries to get various information regarding the repositories, the data itself, and some analysis carried on notebooks.
- graph_data contains some graphs extracted from GHArchive.
- gha2sql is a small python script to get events from GHArchive and later to include them in another database.
- maven-central-diversity contains resources from the paper The Emergence of Software Diversity in Maven Central.
Each directory contains its own Readme explaining its own internal organization.
- Identifying Experts in Software Libraries and Frameworks among GitHub Users (Joao Eduardo Montandon, Luciana Lourdes Silva, Marco Tulio Valente), MSR19
- The Emergence of Software Diversity in Maven Central (César Soto-Valero, Amine Benelallam, Nicolas Harrand, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry), MSR19
- source{d} Engine : Powerful language-agnostic analysis of your source code and git history.
- Reaper : Calculate the score of a repository based on best engineering practices.
- GH Archive : record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
- GHTorrent :
The content of this repository is licensed under the MIT terms.