Incoming WebHook-like server for ActivityPub.
You can post messages to Fediverse like Incoming WebHook in Slack with the command curl -X POST -d '{"text": "hello"}' ...
APubHook works on Cloudflare Workers; use Wrangler to configure and deploy.
cp wrangler.sample.toml wrangler.toml
pnpm install
Pick up the value of PRIVATE_KEY
from the files generated by ssh-keygen
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -m PKCS8 -t rsa -N '' -f id_rsa
You can also use the value as "Secret variables" in Cloudflare Workers.
pnpm wrangler d1 create apubhook
pnpm wrangler d1 execute apubhook --file db.sql
pnpm run deploy
APubHook can host multiple accounts on a single server.
Accounts are managed in the accounts
table on the D1 Database.
For example, the following command creates a BOT account named 'testbot'.
is a secret string used in the WebHook URL.
pnpm wrangler d1 execute apubhook --command "insert or replace into accounts(username, displayName, secretHookPath, iconUrl, iconMime) VALUES('testbot', 'Test BOT', 'secret-path-example', '/static/icon.png', 'image/png')"
Then you can follow a account: @testbot@apubhook.<USERNAME>
on Fediverse (Alternatively, you could use a custom domain for Workers).
And you can post messages with HTTP POST request with JSON payload to /hooks/secret-path-example
# Sending 'hello' to Fediverse!
curl -X POST -d '{"text": "hello"}' "https://apubhook.<USERNAME>"
You can see the post on Fediverse!
And using a lot of code in Matchbox and inspired by Minidon and Express ActivityPub Server.
Minidon Copyright (c) 2023 Yusuke Wada. Licensed under the MIT license.
Matchbox Copyright (c) 2022 Acefed MIT License
Express ActivityPub Server Copyright (c) 2018 Darius Kazemi. Licensed under the MIT license.