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APIs used - IBM's Watson and News
Recently, it came to my attention that one could play around with IBM's Watson, an Artificial Intelligence platform, which I think is pretty neat 😎
I decided to utilise its Natural Language Understanding functionailty. This API takes either a URL or plain text and then returns the following features:
- Emotions (joy, disgust, anger, fear, sadness) as a numerical value
- Sentiments (Positive or Negative)
- Entities (People or Places)
- Concepts
- Keywords
In my app I have decided to use the emotions feature (for now!).
For the content, I have used the News API which takes a search term (user input) and a source (1 of 4 options). This returns the most recent articles relating to this topic from which I choose the first.
N.B This returns the most recent articles containing the search term, so may not be 100% relevant. However this is supposed to be lightheated only and not a true, balanced representation of the topic!
As a user I can;
- Enter a topic of my choosing
- Choose a news source (Daily Mail, Guardian, Reddit and Buzzfeed - more to be added)
- Get back an emotion (joy, fear etc)
- Decide whether you agree with that or not!
- Twitter. Analyse tweets on a given topic, due when Twitter decide to give me an API key
- More news sources from News API
- Add a Postgres database to add URLs and topics
- Can then plot trends over time by search term and/or source
- Users can up/down vote as to whether they agree with the Watson analysis of the article