Recuperação de Informação - Máquinas de Busca na Web (MSc. 2014.1)
Trabalho Prático I
Practical Work I: Information Retrieval - Web Search Machines
You must have installed the following libraries:
- zlib
- zlib1g zlib1g-dev (via apt repository)
- icu4c
- libicu-dev libicu48-dbg (via apt repository)
- gumbo-parser (built-in)
- libtool automake (via apt repository)
cd tp/
mkdir -p build && cd build/
cmake ..
cd src/ && make
You can set these follow parameters to configure environment:
- -rd to set run directory (default /var/tmp)
- -rf to set run filetype (default .run)
- -rs to set run size (default 256MB)
- -id to set index directory (collection)
- -if to set index filename
- -od to set index output directory
- -of to set index output filename (default inverted_index.bin)
- -vd to set vocabulary output directory
- -vf to set vocabulary output filename (default vocabulary.bin)
cd build/src/
./index -rd ../../files/ -if indexToCompressedColection.txt -rs 128
./search -vd /home/user/files