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Drop redundant test in TxSpec
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The TxTraceSpec does test exactly that
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ch1bo committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 4546727 commit 16f57ef
Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 287 deletions.
292 changes: 5 additions & 287 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-ambiguous-fields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

-- | Unit tests for our "hand-rolled" transactions as they are used in the
-- "direct" chain component.
module Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxSpec where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,10 +33,8 @@ import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe.Strict (StrictMaybe (..))
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Hydra.Cardano.Api.Pretty (renderTx, renderTxWithUTxO)
import Hydra.Chain (CommitBlueprintTx (..), HeadParameters (..))
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Close.Healthy (healthyOpenHeadTxOut)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Contract.Commit (commitSigningKey, healthyInitialTxIn, healthyInitialTxOut)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture (
Expand All @@ -52,8 +45,8 @@ import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture (
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Fixture qualified as Fixture
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.ScriptRegistry (ScriptRegistry, genScriptRegistry, registryUTxO)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.State (ChainContext (..), HasKnownUTxO (getKnownUTxO), close, contest, decrement, fanout, genChainStateWithTx, utxoOfThisHead)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.ScriptRegistry (genScriptRegistry, registryUTxO)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.State (ChainContext (..), HasKnownUTxO (getKnownUTxO), genChainStateWithTx)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.State qualified as Transition
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Tx (
HeadObservation (..),
Expand All @@ -73,27 +66,16 @@ import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Tx (
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxTraceSpec (ModelSnapshot (..), generateUTxOFromModelSnapshot)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Wallet (ErrCoverFee (..), coverFee_)
import Hydra.ContestationPeriod (ContestationPeriod (..))
import Hydra.Contract.Commit qualified as Commit
import Hydra.Contract.Head qualified as Head
import Hydra.Contract.HeadState qualified as Head
import Hydra.Contract.HeadState qualified as HeadState
import Hydra.Contract.HeadTokens (headPolicyId, mkHeadTokenScript)
import Hydra.Contract.Initial qualified as Initial
import Hydra.Crypto (MultiSignature, aggregate, sign)
import Hydra.Data.ContestationPeriod (contestationPeriodFromDiffTime)
import Hydra.HeadId (HeadId (..))
import Hydra.Ledger (hashUTxO)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (adaOnly, addInputs, addReferenceInputs, addVkInputs, emptyTxBody, genOneUTxOFor, genTxOutWithReferenceScript, genUTxO1, genUTxOAdaOnlyOfSize, genValue, genVerificationKey, unsafeBuildTransaction)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (EvaluationReport, evaluateTx, maxTxExecutionUnits, propTransactionEvaluates)
import Hydra.Party (Party, partyToChain)
import Hydra.Snapshot (ConfirmedSnapshot (..), Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber, SnapshotVersion)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Evaluate (EvaluationReport, maxTxExecutionUnits, propTransactionEvaluates)
import Hydra.Party (Party)
import PlutusLedgerApi.Test.Examples qualified as Plutus
import PlutusLedgerApi.V2 (toBuiltin)
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Arbitrary (genMetadata')
import Test.Hydra.Fixture (alice, alicePVk, aliceSk, bob, bobSk, carol, carolSk, genForParty)
import Test.Hydra.Fixture (genForParty)
import Test.Hydra.Prelude
import Test.QuickCheck (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,270 +237,6 @@ spec =
& counterexample "Blueprint reference inputs missing"

describe "Chained Head transactions work" $ do
-- REVIEW: Is this test needed in presence of TxTraceSpec?
it "Alter snapshots to test transactions" $
forAllBlind arbitrary $ \chainContext -> do
let ctx@ChainContext{scriptRegistry} =
chainContext{ownVerificationKey = alicePVk, networkId = testNetworkId}
forAllBlind genPerfectModelSnapshot $ \modelSnapshot ->
let (utxo', utxoToDecommit') = generateUTxOFromModelSnapshot modelSnapshot
let headId' = mkHeadId Fixture.testPolicyId
let openDatum =
{ parties = partyToChain <$> [alice, bob, carol]
, utxoHash = toBuiltin $ hashUTxO @Tx utxo'
, contestationPeriod = contestationPeriodFromDiffTime 10
, headId = toPlutusCurrencySymbol Fixture.testPolicyId
, version = 0
let datum = toUTxOContext (mkTxOutDatumInline openDatum)
let decommitValue = foldMap (txOutValue . snd) (UTxO.pairs utxoToDecommit')
let headTxIn = generateWith arbitrary 42
let parameters = HeadParameters defaultContestationPeriod [alice, bob, carol]
let txIn = generateWith arbitrary 42

let spendableUTxO =
UTxO.singleton (headTxIn, modifyTxOutValue (<> decommitValue) (healthyOpenHeadTxOut datum))
<> registryUTxO scriptRegistry

let startingSnapshot =
Snapshot{headId = headId', confirmed = [], number = 2, utxo = utxo', utxoToDecommit = Just utxoToDecommit', version = 0}

let decrementAction =
produceDecrement ctx scriptRegistry headId' parameters
let closeAction =
produceClose ctx scriptRegistry headId' parameters
let contestAction =
produceContest ctx scriptRegistry headId'
let fanoutAction =
produceFanout ctx scriptRegistry txIn

let signSnapshot sn = aggregate [sign sk sn | sk <- [aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk]]

-- We want to chain decommit/close, contest and fanout actions/txs
-- here. For this we use the function composition `(.)` and what
-- we pass around In between actions are ([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot, MultiSignature).
-- Then we modify snapshot to determine if further actions down the line can suceed or not.
-- Note that we start with one valid snapshot (signed by everyone) and expect this to
-- work. After mutating the snapshot we need to re-sign it in case we don't expect signature verification to fail
-- (eg. we need to increase the contest snapshot number but we re-sign if we don't want to test this change).
let validSnapshot = ([], spendableUTxO, startingSnapshot, signSnapshot startingSnapshot)

let bumpSnapshotNumber = mutateSnapshotNumber (1 +)

let bumpVersionNumber = mutateVersionNumber (1 +)

let bumpSnapshot (a, b, c, _) =
let alteredSnapshot = bumpSnapshotNumber c
in (a, b, alteredSnapshot, signSnapshot alteredSnapshot)

let bumpVersion (a, b, c, _) =
let alteredSnapshot = bumpVersionNumber c
in (a, b, alteredSnapshot, signSnapshot alteredSnapshot)

let reAddUTxOToDecommit (a, b, c, d) =
let alteredSnapshot = mutateUTxOToDecommit (const (utxoToDecommit startingSnapshot)) c
in (a, b, alteredSnapshot, d)

let removeUTxOToDecommit (a, b, c, d) =
let alteredSnapshot = mutateUTxOToDecommit (const Nothing) c
in (a, b, alteredSnapshot, d)

let expectAllValid = counterexample "All Valid" . and . fst4 . fanoutAction . contestAction . bumpSnapshot . closeAction . bumpVersion . decrementAction

-- Should be able to close with something to decommit
let expectValidCloseWithDecommit =
counterexample "Close with something to decommit"
. property
. and
. fst4
. fanoutAction
. contestAction
. bumpSnapshot
. closeAction

-- Should be able to contest with removed decommit
let expectValidContestWithRemovedDecommit =
counterexample "Contest with removed decommit"
. property
. and
. fst4
. fanoutAction
. contestAction
. bumpSnapshot
. removeUTxOToDecommit
. closeAction

-- Decrement, Close, contest, then remove what was decremented and try to fanout
let expectInvalidFanoutWithRemovedDecommit =
counterexample "Fanout with removed decommit"
. property
. any not
. fst4
. fanoutAction
. removeUTxOToDecommit
. contestAction
. bumpSnapshot
. closeAction
. decrementAction

-- Decrement, remove decrement UTxO, Close, then add decrement UTxO and fanout
let expectInvalidFanoutWithRemovedAndReAddedDecommit =
counterexample "Fanout with removed decommit"
. property
. any not
. fst4
. fanoutAction
. reAddUTxOToDecommit
. closeAction
. removeUTxOToDecommit
. decrementAction

let expectedInvalid =
[ expectInvalidFanoutWithRemovedDecommit validSnapshot
, expectInvalidFanoutWithRemovedAndReAddedDecommit validSnapshot
let expectedValid =
[ expectAllValid validSnapshot
, expectValidCloseWithDecommit validSnapshot
, expectValidContestWithRemovedDecommit validSnapshot

conjoin (expectedValid <> expectedInvalid)

mutateSnapshotNumber :: (SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber) -> Snapshot Tx -> Snapshot Tx
mutateSnapshotNumber fn snapshot =
let sn = fn snapshot.number
in snapshot{number = sn}

mutateVersionNumber :: (SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotVersion) -> Snapshot Tx -> Snapshot Tx
mutateVersionNumber fn snapshot =
let sn = fn snapshot.version
in snapshot{version = sn}

mutateSnapshotUTxO :: (UTxO -> UTxO) -> Snapshot Tx -> Snapshot Tx
mutateSnapshotUTxO fn snapshot =
let utxo' = fn (utxo snapshot)
in snapshot{utxo = utxo'}

mutateUTxOToDecommit :: (Maybe UTxO -> Maybe UTxO) -> Snapshot Tx -> Snapshot Tx
mutateUTxOToDecommit fn snapshot =
let toDecommit = fn (utxoToDecommit snapshot)
in snapshot{utxoToDecommit = toDecommit}

defaultContestationPeriod :: ContestationPeriod
defaultContestationPeriod = UnsafeContestationPeriod 10

findHeadUTxO :: UTxO -> (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)
findHeadUTxO utxo =
let headScript = fromPlutusScript @PlutusScriptV2 Head.validatorScript
in case UTxO.find (isScriptTxOut headScript) (utxoOfThisHead Fixture.testPolicyId utxo) of
Nothing -> error "Missing head output"
Just headUTxO -> headUTxO

produceDecrement ::
ChainContext ->
ScriptRegistry ->
HeadId ->
HeadParameters ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx)) ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx))
produceDecrement ctx scriptRegistry headId parameters (p, spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures) = do
case decrement ctx spendableUTxO headId parameters ConfirmedSnapshot{snapshot, signatures} of
Left _ -> (p <> [False], spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures)
Right tx -> do
case utxoToDecommit snapshot of
Nothing ->
( p <> [evaluateTransaction tx spendableUTxO]
, utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
, snapshot
, signatures
Just toDecommit -> do
-- increase Head UTxO by the decommit amount
let decommitValue = foldMap (txOutValue . snd) (UTxO.pairs toDecommit)
let (headIn, headOut) = findHeadUTxO (utxoFromTx tx)
let headUTxO = UTxO.singleton (headIn, modifyTxOutValue (<> decommitValue) headOut)
( p <> [evaluateTransaction tx spendableUTxO]
, headUTxO <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
, snapshot
, signatures

produceClose ::
ChainContext ->
ScriptRegistry ->
HeadId ->
HeadParameters ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx)) ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx))
produceClose ctx scriptRegistry headId parameters (p, spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures) = do
case close ctx spendableUTxO headId parameters snapshot.version ConfirmedSnapshot{snapshot, signatures} 0 (0, posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) of
Left _ -> (p <> [False], spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures)
Right tx ->
( p <> [evaluateTransaction tx spendableUTxO]
, utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
, snapshot
, signatures

produceContest ::
ChainContext ->
ScriptRegistry ->
HeadId ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx)) ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx))
produceContest ctx scriptRegistry headId (p, spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures) = do
case contest ctx spendableUTxO headId defaultContestationPeriod snapshot.version ConfirmedSnapshot{snapshot, signatures} (0, posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) of
Left _ -> (p <> [False], spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures)
Right tx ->
( p <> [evaluateTransaction tx spendableUTxO]
, utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
, snapshot
, signatures

produceFanout ::
ChainContext ->
ScriptRegistry ->
TxIn ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx)) ->
([Bool], UTxO, Snapshot Tx, MultiSignature (Snapshot Tx))
produceFanout ctx scriptRegistry seedTxIn (p, spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures) =
case fanout ctx spendableUTxO seedTxIn (utxo snapshot) (utxoToDecommit snapshot) 20 of
Left _ -> (p <> [False], spendableUTxO, snapshot, signatures)
Right tx ->
( p <> [evaluateTransaction tx spendableUTxO]
, utxoFromTx tx <> registryUTxO scriptRegistry
, snapshot
, signatures

hasHigherSnapshotNumber :: [(Snapshot Tx, Snapshot Tx, Maybe String)] -> Bool
hasHigherSnapshotNumber =
any (\(mutated, original, _) -> mutated.number > original.number)

hasLowerSnapshotNumber :: [(Snapshot Tx, Snapshot Tx, Maybe String)] -> Bool
hasLowerSnapshotNumber =
any (\(mutated, original, _) -> mutated.number < original.number)

evaluateTransaction :: Tx -> UTxO -> Bool
evaluateTransaction tx spendableUTxO =
case evaluateTx tx spendableUTxO of
Left _ -> False
Right redeemerReport ->
all isRight (Map.elems redeemerReport)

genPerfectModelSnapshot :: Gen ModelSnapshot
genPerfectModelSnapshot = do
(decommit, amount) <- arbitrary
let decommitUTxO = Map.fromList [(decommit, amount)]
snapshotUTxO' <- arbitrary
pure $ ModelSnapshot{version = 0, number = 1, snapshotUTxO = Map.union snapshotUTxO' decommitUTxO, decommitUTxO}

-- | Check auxiliary data of a transaction against 'pparams' and whether the aux
-- data hash is consistent.
propHasValidAuxData :: Tx -> Property
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