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iohk-bors[bot] authored Sep 23, 2020
2 parents ffeca1d + 56cef9b commit a78a5b0
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Showing 2 changed files with 107 additions and 103 deletions.
180 changes: 105 additions & 75 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/DB/Sqlite.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ import Data.Either
( isRight )
import Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens
( (^.) )
import Data.IORef
( modifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef )
import Data.List
( nub, sortOn, unzip3 )
import Data.List.Split
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,6 +600,61 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do

-- NOTE1
-- We cache the latest checkpoint for read operation such that we prevent
-- needless marshalling and unmarshalling with the database. Many handlers
-- dealing with the database are actually in the form of:
-- - read latest CP
-- - write latest CP
-- When chaining them, we end up paying the cost of unmarshalling data from
-- the database one extra time. That doesn't matter much for small wallets
-- because the time needed to unmarshall data is relatively negligible. For
-- large wallets however, this has a massive performance impact.
-- Instead, the cache now retains the Haskell data-types in-memory to
-- short-circuit the most frequent database lookups.
-- NOTE2
-- We use an IORef here without fearing race-conditions because every
-- database query can only be run within calls to `atomically` which
-- enforces that there's only a single thread executing a given
-- `SqlPersistT`.
cache <- newIORef Map.empty

let readCache :: W.WalletId -> SqlPersistT IO (Maybe (W.Wallet s))
readCache wid = Map.lookup wid <$> liftIO (readIORef cache)

let clearCache :: W.WalletId -> SqlPersistT IO ()
clearCache wid = liftIO $ modifyIORef' cache $ Map.delete wid

let writeCache :: W.WalletId -> W.Wallet s -> SqlPersistT IO ()
writeCache wid cp = liftIO $ modifyIORef' cache $ Map.alter alter wid
tip = cp ^. #currentTip . #blockHeight
alter = \case
Just old | tip < old ^. #currentTip . #blockHeight -> Just old
_ -> Just cp

let selectLatestCheckpoint
:: W.WalletId
-> SqlPersistT IO (Maybe (W.Wallet s))
selectLatestCheckpoint wid = do
readCache wid >>= maybe fromDatabase (pure . Just)
fromDatabase = do
mcp <- fmap entityVal <$> selectFirst
[ CheckpointWalletId ==. wid ]
[ LimitTo 1, Desc CheckpointSlot ]
case mcp of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just cp -> do
utxo <- selectUTxO cp
s <- selectState (checkpointId cp)
pure (checkpointFromEntity @s cp utxo <$> s)

return (ctx, DBLayer

Expand All @@ -608,7 +665,7 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
res <- handleConstraint (ErrWalletAlreadyExists wid) $
insert_ (mkWalletEntity wid meta)
when (isRight res) $ do
insertCheckpoint wid cp
insertCheckpoint wid cp <* writeCache wid cp
let (metas, txins, txouts, ws) = mkTxHistory wid txs
putTxs metas txins txouts ws
insert_ (mkProtocolParametersEntity wid pp)
Expand All @@ -620,6 +677,7 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
Just _ -> Right <$> do
deleteCascadeWhere [WalId ==. wid]
clearCache wid

, listWallets =
map (PrimaryKey . unWalletKey) <$> selectKeysList [] [Asc WalId]
Expand All @@ -631,15 +689,10 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
, putCheckpoint = \(PrimaryKey wid) cp -> ExceptT $ do
selectWallet wid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ ErrNoSuchWallet wid
Just _ -> Right <$> insertCheckpoint wid cp
Just _ -> Right <$> (insertCheckpoint wid cp <* writeCache wid cp)

, readCheckpoint = \(PrimaryKey wid) -> do
selectLatestCheckpoint wid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just cp -> do
utxo <- selectUTxO cp
s <- selectState (checkpointId cp)
pure (checkpointFromEntity @s cp utxo <$> s)
selectLatestCheckpoint wid

, listCheckpoints = \(PrimaryKey wid) -> do
map (blockHeaderFromEntity . entityVal) <$> selectList
Expand All @@ -648,7 +701,7 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do

, rollbackTo = \(PrimaryKey wid) requestedPoint -> ExceptT $ do
findNearestPoint wid requestedPoint >>= \case
Nothing -> selectLatestCheckpoint wid >>= \case
Nothing -> selectWallet wid >>= \case
Nothing ->
pure $ Left $ ErrNoSuchWallet wid
Just _ ->
Expand All @@ -674,6 +727,7 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
deleteStakeKeyCerts wid
[ StakeKeyCertSlot >. nearestPoint
clearCache wid
pure (Right nearestPoint)

, prune = \(PrimaryKey wid) -> ExceptT $ do
Expand All @@ -700,7 +754,7 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just cp -> do
currentEpoch <- liftIO $
timeInterpreter (epochOf $ cp ^. #checkpointSlot)
timeInterpreter (epochOf $ cp ^. #currentTip . #slotNo)
readWalletDelegation timeInterpreter wid currentEpoch
>>= readWalletMetadata wid

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,12 +803,14 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
pure $ Right ()

, readTxHistory = \(PrimaryKey wid) minWithdrawal order range status -> do
timeInterpreter wid minWithdrawal order $ catMaybes
[ (TxMetaSlot >=.) <$> W.inclusiveLowerBound range
, (TxMetaSlot <=.) <$> W.inclusiveUpperBound range
, (TxMetaStatus ==.) <$> status
selectLatestCheckpoint wid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just cp -> selectTxHistory cp
timeInterpreter wid minWithdrawal order $ catMaybes
[ (TxMetaSlot >=.) <$> W.inclusiveLowerBound range
, (TxMetaSlot <=.) <$> W.inclusiveUpperBound range
, (TxMetaStatus ==.) <$> status

, removePendingTx = \(PrimaryKey wid) tid -> ExceptT $ do
let errNoSuchWallet =
Expand All @@ -776,10 +832,10 @@ newDBLayer trace defaultFieldValues mDatabaseFile timeInterpreter = do
_ -> pure errNoMorePending

, getTx = \(PrimaryKey wid) tid -> ExceptT $ do
selectWallet wid >>= \case
selectLatestCheckpoint wid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ ErrNoSuchWallet wid
Just _ -> do
metas <- selectTxHistory
Just cp -> do
metas <- selectTxHistory cp
timeInterpreter wid Nothing W.Descending
[ TxMetaTxId ==. TxId tid ]
case metas of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1226,11 +1282,11 @@ deleteCheckpoints wid filters = do
-- | Prune checkpoints in the database to keep it tidy
:: W.WalletId
-> Checkpoint
-> W.Wallet s
-> SqlPersistT IO ()
pruneCheckpoints wid cp = do
let height = Quantity $ fromIntegral $ checkpointBlockHeight cp
let epochStability = Quantity $ checkpointEpochStability cp
let height = cp ^. #currentTip . #blockHeight
let epochStability = cp ^. #blockchainParameters . #getEpochStability
let cfg = defaultSparseCheckpointsConfig epochStability
let cps = sparseCheckpoints cfg height
deleteCheckpoints wid [ CheckpointBlockHeight /<-. cps ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1301,14 +1357,6 @@ deleteDelegationCertificates
deleteDelegationCertificates wid filters = do
deleteCascadeWhere ((CertWalletId ==. wid) : filters)

:: W.WalletId
-> SqlPersistT IO (Maybe Checkpoint)
selectLatestCheckpoint wid = fmap entityVal <$>
[ CheckpointWalletId ==. wid
] [ LimitTo 1, Desc CheckpointSlot ]

:: Checkpoint
-> SqlPersistT IO [UTxO]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1379,40 +1427,37 @@ combineChunked :: [a] -> ([a] -> SqlPersistT IO [b]) -> SqlPersistT IO [b]
combineChunked xs f = concatMapM f $ chunksOf chunkSize xs

:: TimeInterpreter IO
:: W.Wallet s
-> TimeInterpreter IO
-> W.WalletId
-> Maybe (Quantity "lovelace" Natural)
-> W.SortOrder
-> [Filter TxMeta]
-> SqlPersistT IO [W.TransactionInfo]
selectTxHistory ti wid minWithdrawal order conditions = do
selectLatestCheckpoint wid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just cp -> do
let txMetaFilter = (TxMetaWalletId ==. wid):conditions
metas <- case minWithdrawal of
Nothing -> fmap entityVal <$> selectList txMetaFilter sortOpt
Just inf -> do
let coin = W.Coin $ fromIntegral $ getQuantity inf
txids <- fmap (txWithdrawalTxId . entityVal)
<$> selectList [ TxWithdrawalAmount >=. coin ] []
ms <- combineChunked (nub txids) (\chunk -> selectList
((TxMetaTxId <-. chunk):txMetaFilter) [])
let sortTxId = case order of
W.Ascending -> sortOn (Down . txMetaTxId)
W.Descending -> sortOn txMetaTxId
let sortSlot = case order of
W.Ascending -> sortOn txMetaSlot
W.Descending -> sortOn (Down . txMetaSlot)
pure $ sortSlot $ sortTxId $ fmap entityVal ms

let txids = map txMetaTxId metas
(ins, outs, ws) <- selectTxs txids

let wal = checkpointFromEntity cp [] ()
let tip = W.currentTip wal

liftIO $ txHistoryFromEntity ti tip metas ins outs ws
selectTxHistory cp ti wid minWithdrawal order conditions = do
let txMetaFilter = (TxMetaWalletId ==. wid):conditions
metas <- case minWithdrawal of
Nothing -> fmap entityVal <$> selectList txMetaFilter sortOpt
Just inf -> do
let coin = W.Coin $ fromIntegral $ getQuantity inf
txids <- fmap (txWithdrawalTxId . entityVal)
<$> selectList [ TxWithdrawalAmount >=. coin ] []
ms <- combineChunked (nub txids) (\chunk -> selectList
((TxMetaTxId <-. chunk):txMetaFilter) [])
let sortTxId = case order of
W.Ascending -> sortOn (Down . txMetaTxId)
W.Descending -> sortOn txMetaTxId
let sortSlot = case order of
W.Ascending -> sortOn txMetaSlot
W.Descending -> sortOn (Down . txMetaSlot)
pure $ sortSlot $ sortTxId $ fmap entityVal ms

let txids = map txMetaTxId metas
(ins, outs, ws) <- selectTxs txids

let tip = W.currentTip cp

liftIO $ txHistoryFromEntity ti tip metas ins outs ws
-- Note: there are sorted indices on these columns.
-- The secondary sort by TxId is to make the ordering stable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1623,22 +1668,7 @@ instance PersistState (Rnd.RndState t) where
pendingAddresses <- lift $ selectRndStatePending wid
pure $ Rnd.RndState
{ hdPassphrase = pwd
, accountIndex =
-- In the early days when Daedalus Flight was shipped, the
-- wallet backend was generating addresses indexes across the
-- whole domain which was causing a great deal of issues with
-- the legacy cardano-sl:wallet ...
-- We later changed that to instead use "hardened indexes". Yet,
-- for the few wallets which were already created, we revert
-- this dynamically by replacing the index here.
-- This ugly hack could / should be removed eventually, in a few
-- releases from 2020-04-06.
if ix == 0
then minBound
else W.Index ix
, accountIndex = W.Index ix
, addresses = addresses
, pendingAddresses = pendingAddresses
, gen = gen
Expand Down
30 changes: 2 additions & 28 deletions lib/core/test/unit/Cardano/Wallet/DB/SqliteSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.DB
, cleanDB
import Cardano.Wallet.DB.Arbitrary
( InitialCheckpoint (..), KeyValPairs (..) )
( KeyValPairs (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.DB.Properties
( properties, withDB )
import Cardano.Wallet.DB.Sqlite
Expand All @@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Logging
( trMessageText )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation
( Depth (..)
, DerivationType (..)
, Index (..)
, NetworkDiscriminant (..)
, Passphrase (..)
, PersistPrivateKey
Expand All @@ -106,7 +104,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Model
, currentTip
, getState
, initWallet
, updateState
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
( ActiveSlotCoefficient (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,7 +205,7 @@ import Test.Hspec
, xit
import Test.QuickCheck
( Property, arbitrary, generate, property, (==>) )
( Property, generate, property, (==>) )
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
( monadicIO )
import Test.Utils.Paths
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,33 +242,10 @@ sqliteSpecSeq = withDB newMemoryDBLayer $ do

sqliteSpecRnd :: Spec
sqliteSpecRnd = withDB newMemoryDBLayer $ do
describe "Sqlite (RndState)" $ do
it "insertState . selectState (regression account index)"
describe "Sqlite State machine (RndState)" $ do
it "Sequential state machine tests"
(prop_sequential :: TestDBRnd -> Property)

:: DBLayer IO (RndState 'Mainnet) ByronKey
-> IO ()
testRegressionInsertSelectRndState db = do
-- NOTE Abusing the index type here, for the sake of testing.
old <- (\s -> s { accountIndex = Index 0 }) <$> generate arbitraryRndState
wid <- generate arbitrary
cp <- getInitialCheckpoint <$> generate arbitrary
meta <- generate arbitrary

new <- db & \DBLayer{..} -> atomically $ do
unsafeRunExceptT $ initializeWallet wid cp meta mempty pp
unsafeRunExceptT $ putCheckpoint wid (updateState old cp)
(fmap getState) <$> readCheckpoint wid

(accountIndex <$> new) `shouldBe` Just (minBound :: Index 'Hardened 'AccountK)

arbitraryRndState = arbitrary @(RndState 'Mainnet)

:: forall s k. (k ~ ShelleyKey, s ~ SeqState 'Mainnet k)
=> IO ()
Expand Down

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