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Move legacy slotting functions out of main code into unit tests
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rvl committed Nov 27, 2020
1 parent 66f673c commit 965e543
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Showing 9 changed files with 231 additions and 221 deletions.
28 changes: 6 additions & 22 deletions lib/core-integration/src/Test/Integration/Framework/DSL.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ module Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
, verifyMaintenanceAction

-- * Delegation helpers
, mkEpochInfo
, notDelegating
, delegating
, getSlotParams
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
, ApiBlockReference (..)
, ApiByronWallet
, ApiCoinSelection
, ApiEpochInfo (ApiEpochInfo)
, ApiEpochInfo
, ApiFee
, ApiMaintenanceAction (..)
, ApiNetworkInformation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,8 +235,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation.Jormungandr
( generateKeyFromSeed )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation.Shelley
( ShelleyKey )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Slotting
( SlotParameters (..), epochStartTime )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.SyncProgress
( SyncProgress (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
Expand All @@ -250,6 +247,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
, Settings
, SlotLength (..)
, SlotNo (..)
, SlottingParameters (..)
, SortOrder (..)
, WalletId (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2166,7 +2164,7 @@ pubKeyFromMnemonics mnemonics =
:: MonadIO m
=> Context t
-> m (EpochNo, SlotParameters)
-> m (EpochNo, SlottingParameters)
getSlotParams ctx = do
r1 <- liftIO $ request @ApiNetworkInformation ctx
Link.getNetworkInfo Default Empty
Expand All @@ -2180,11 +2178,9 @@ getSlotParams ctx = do
let (Quantity slotL) = getFromResponse #slotLength r2
let (Quantity epochL) = getFromResponse #epochLength r2
let (Quantity coeff) = getFromResponse #activeSlotCoefficient r2
let (ApiT genesisBlockDate) = getFromResponse #blockchainStartTime r2
let sp = SlotParameters
(EpochLength epochL)
let sp = SlottingParameters
(SlotLength slotL)
(EpochLength epochL)
(ActiveSlotCoefficient coeff)

return (currentEpoch, sp)
Expand All @@ -2197,22 +2193,10 @@ getTTLSlots
-> NominalDiffTime
-> m SlotNo
getTTLSlots ctx dt = liftIO $ do
(_, SlotParameters _ (SlotLength _slotLenWrong) _ _) <- getSlotParams ctx
_slotLenWrong <- unSlotLength . getSlotLength . snd <$> getSlotParams ctx
let slotLen = 0.2 -- fixme: this is the value from byron genesis
pure $ SlotNo $ ceiling $ dt / slotLen

-- | Handy constructor for ApiEpochInfo
:: EpochNo
-- ^ Epoch to construct
-> SlotParameters
-- ^ Blockchain slot parameters
-> ApiEpochInfo
mkEpochInfo epochNo sp =
(ApiT epochNo)
(epochStartTime sp epochNo)

-- | Wallet not delegating and not about to join any stake pool.
:: [(Maybe (ApiT PoolId), ApiEpochInfo)]
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/core/cardano-wallet-core.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ test-suite unit
Expand Down
172 changes: 2 additions & 170 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/Slotting.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,31 +38,14 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Slotting

-- ** Helpers
, unsafeEpochNo

-- * Legacy api - Inaccurate with cardano-node, okay with Jörmungandr
, SlotParameters (..)
, slotParams
, epochStartTime
, flatSlot
, fromFlatSlot
, slotStartTime
, slotCeiling
, slotFloor
, slotAt'
, slotDifference
, slotPred
, slotSucc
, slotMinBound
, slotRangeFromTimeRange'
) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Wallet.Orphans
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
( ActiveSlotCoefficient (..)
, EpochLength (..)
( EpochLength (..)
, EpochNo (..)
, Range (..)
, SlotId (..)
Expand All @@ -86,20 +67,12 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity
( Identity )
import Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens
( (^.) )
import Data.Maybe
( fromMaybe )
import Data.Quantity
( Quantity (..) )
import Data.Time.Clock
( NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime )
( NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime )
import Data.Word
( Word32, Word64 )
import GHC.Generics
( Generic )
import GHC.Stack
( HasCallStack )
import Numeric.Natural
( Natural )
import Ouroboros.Consensus.BlockchainTime.WallClock.Types
( SystemStart (..) )
import Ouroboros.Consensus.HardFork.History.Qry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,144 +322,3 @@ runQuery systemStart int = go
-- Cardano.toRelativeTime may throw, so we need this guard:
| utc < getSystemStart systemStart = pure Nothing
| otherwise = pure $ Just $ Cardano.toRelativeTime systemStart utc

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Legacy functions
-- These only work for a single era. We need to stop using them

-- | The essential parameters necessary for performing slot arithmetic.
data SlotParameters = SlotParameters
{ getEpochLength
:: EpochLength
, getSlotLength
:: SlotLength
, getGenesisBlockDate
:: StartTime
, getActiveSlotCoefficient
:: ActiveSlotCoefficient
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

slotParams :: StartTime -> SlottingParameters -> SlotParameters
slotParams t0 sp = SlotParameters
(sp ^. #getEpochLength)
(sp ^. #getSlotLength)
(sp ^. #getActiveSlotCoefficient)

-- | Calculate the time at which an epoch begins.
epochStartTime :: SlotParameters -> EpochNo -> UTCTime
epochStartTime sps e = slotStartTime sps $ SlotId e 0

-- | Convert a 'SlotId' to the number of slots since genesis.
flatSlot :: EpochLength -> SlotId -> Word64
flatSlot (EpochLength epochLength) (SlotId (EpochNo e) (SlotInEpoch s)) =
fromIntegral epochLength * fromIntegral e + fromIntegral s

-- | Convert a 'flatSlot' index to 'SlotId'.
-- This function will fail if applied to a value that is higher than the maximum
-- value of 'flatSlot' for the specified 'EpochLength'.
fromFlatSlot :: EpochLength -> Word64 -> SlotId
fromFlatSlot el@(EpochLength epochLength) n
| n <= maxFlatSlot =
SlotId (EpochNo $ fromIntegral e) (fromIntegral s)
| otherwise =
error $ mconcat
[ "fromFlatSlot: The specified flat slot number ("
, show n
, ") is higher than the maximum flat slot number ("
, show maxFlatSlot
, ") for the specified epoch length ("
, show epochLength
, ")."
e = n `div` fromIntegral epochLength
s = n `mod` fromIntegral epochLength
maxFlatSlot =
flatSlot el (SlotId (EpochNo maxBound) (SlotInEpoch $ epochLength - 1))

-- | @slotDifference a b@ is how many slots @a@ is after @b@. The result is
-- non-negative, and if @b > a@ then this function returns zero.
slotDifference :: SlotParameters -> SlotId -> SlotId -> Quantity "slot" Natural
slotDifference (SlotParameters el _ _ _) a b
| a' > b' = Quantity $ fromIntegral $ a' - b'
| otherwise = Quantity 0
a' = flatSlot el a
b' = flatSlot el b

-- | Return the slot immediately before the given slot.
slotPred :: SlotParameters -> SlotId -> Maybe SlotId
slotPred (SlotParameters (EpochLength el) _ _ _) (SlotId en sn)
| en == 0 && sn == 0 = Nothing
| sn > 0 = Just $ SlotId en (sn - 1)
| otherwise = Just $ SlotId (en - 1) (SlotInEpoch $ el - 1)

-- | Return the slot immediately after the given slot.
slotSucc :: SlotParameters -> SlotId -> SlotId
slotSucc (SlotParameters (EpochLength el) _ _ _) (SlotId en (SlotInEpoch sn))
| sn < el - 1 = SlotId en (SlotInEpoch $ sn + 1)
| otherwise = SlotId (en + 1) 0

-- | The time when a slot begins.
slotStartTime :: SlotParameters -> SlotId -> UTCTime
slotStartTime (SlotParameters el (SlotLength sl) (StartTime st) _) slot =
addUTCTime offset st
offset = sl * fromIntegral (flatSlot el slot)

-- | For the given time 't', determine the ID of the earliest slot with start
-- time 's' such that 't ≤ s'.
slotCeiling :: SlotParameters -> UTCTime -> SlotId
slotCeiling sp@(SlotParameters _ (SlotLength sl) _ _) t =
fromMaybe slotMinBound $ slotAt' sp (addUTCTime (pred sl) t)

-- | For the given time 't', determine the ID of the latest slot with start
-- time 's' such that 's ≤ t'.
slotFloor :: SlotParameters -> UTCTime -> Maybe SlotId
slotFloor = slotAt'

-- | Returns the earliest slot.
slotMinBound :: SlotId
slotMinBound = SlotId 0 0

-- | For the given time 't', determine the ID of the unique slot with start
-- time 's' and end time 'e' such that 's ≤ t ≤ e'.
slotAt' :: SlotParameters -> UTCTime -> Maybe SlotId
slotAt' (SlotParameters (EpochLength el) (SlotLength sl) (StartTime st) _) t
| t < st = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ SlotId {epochNumber, slotNumber}
diff :: NominalDiffTime
diff = t `diffUTCTime` st

epochLength :: NominalDiffTime
epochLength = fromIntegral el * sl

epochNumber = EpochNo $
floor (diff / epochLength)

slotNumber = SlotInEpoch $
floor ((diff - fromIntegral (unEpochNo epochNumber) * epochLength) / sl)

-- | Transforms the given inclusive time range into an inclusive slot range.
-- This function returns a slot range if (and only if) the specified time range
-- intersects with the life of the blockchain.
-- If, on the other hand, the specified time range terminates before the start
-- of the blockchain, this function returns 'Nothing'.
:: SlotParameters
-> Range UTCTime
-> Maybe (Range SlotId)
slotRangeFromTimeRange' sps (Range mStart mEnd) =
Range slotStart <$> slotEnd
slotStart =
slotCeiling sps <$> mStart
slotEnd =
maybe (Just Nothing) (fmap Just . slotFloor sps) mEnd
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/core/test/unit/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/ModelSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Model
, totalBalance
, totalUTxO
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Slotting
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Slotting.Legacy
( flatSlot )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
( Block (..)
Expand Down

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