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Also adjust "The same account and mnemonic wallet can live side-by-si…
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Anviking committed Oct 20, 2020
1 parent 9a85557 commit 88626c0
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Showing 2 changed files with 136 additions and 13 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
( ResourceT, runResourceT )
import Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens
( (^.) )
( view, (^.) )
import Data.Proxy
( Proxy (..) )
import Data.Quantity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,29 +313,22 @@ spec = describe "SHELLEY_CLI_HW_WALLETS" $ do
(c1, o1, e1) <- createWalletViaCLI @t ctx [mnemonicWalName] m "\n" "secure-passphrase"
c1 `shouldBe` ExitSuccess
T.unpack e1 `shouldContain` cmdOk
_ <- expectValidJSON (Proxy @ApiWallet) o1
mnemonicWal <- expectValidJSON (Proxy @ApiWallet) o1

-- create wallet from pub key
let accXPub = pubKeyFromMnemonics' (words m)
(Exit c2, Stdout o2, Stderr e2) <-
createWalletFromPublicKeyViaCLI @t ctx [pubKeyWalName, accXPub]
c2 `shouldBe` ExitSuccess
e2 `shouldContain` cmdOk
_ <- expectValidJSON (Proxy @ApiWallet) o2
pubKeyWal <- expectValidJSON (Proxy @ApiWallet) o2

(Exit c, Stdout out, Stderr err) <- listWalletsViaCLI @t ctx
wids <- map (view walletId) <$> expectValidJSON (Proxy @[ApiWallet]) out
c `shouldBe` ExitSuccess
err `shouldBe` cmdOk
rl <- expectValidJSON (Proxy @[ApiWallet]) out
length rl `shouldBe` 2
verify rl
[ expectCliListField 0
(#name . #getApiT . #getWalletName)
(`shouldBe` T.pack mnemonicWalName)
, expectCliListField 1
(#name . #getApiT . #getWalletName)
(`shouldBe` T.pack pubKeyWalName)
wids `shouldContain` [mnemonicWal ^. walletId]
wids `shouldContain` [pubKeyWal ^. walletId]

describe "HW_WALLETS_06 - Test parameters" $ do
describe "Wallet names valid" $ do
Expand Down
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Script for analysing recent CI failures.

# TODO: Add option to output raw JSON.
# TODO: Add option to specify how many PRs to fetch
# TODO: Compute range of occurance rate for each tag, with one value including unclassified failures, and the other excluding.
# TODO: Link to create an issue from an uncategorized failure with pre-filled information

set -euo pipefail

# You need to set $GITHUB_API_TOKEN before running this script
: ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN?"Please provide a Github Api Token for fetching pull requests"}

# See
# to experiment with queries.

# Note: the latest bors comments may not nececarily be in the latest PRs. Fetching more than we need,
# and later sorting by comment date should work decently though.
QUERY=$(cat <<-END
query {
repository(name: "cardano-wallet", owner: "input-output-hk") {
pullRequests(last: 40) { edges { node {
comments(first: 100) { edges { node {
author {
DATA=$(echo $QUERY \
| tr -d ' ' \
| tr -d '\n' \
| tr -d '\t' \
| jq -aRs '{query: .}' \
| curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer $GITHUB_API_TOKEN" --data-binary @- \
| jq '
| map (.node.comments.edges)
| flatten
| map (.node)
| sort_by (.createdAt)
| map (
select(.author.login == "iohk-bors")
| select(.bodyText | contains("try") | not)
| select(.bodyText | contains("Canceled") | not)
| select(.bodyText | contains("Merge conflict") | not)
| select(.bodyText | contains("This PR was included in a batch that successfully built, but then failed to merge into master (it was a non-fast-forward update). It will be automatically retried.") | not)
| select(.bodyText | contains("Already running a review") | not)
| . + {succeded: (.bodyText | contains("Build succeeded"))}
# Extract lines starting with # as tags. Mostly for linking to issues.
| . + {tags: (.bodyText | split("\n") | map (select(startswith("#"))) | map(split(" ") | .[0]) )}
query {
repository(name: "cardano-wallet", owner: "input-output-hk") {
issues(labels: ["Test failure"], last: 100) { edges { node {
# Get a map from issue number to title
| jq -aRs '{query: .}' \
| curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer $GITHUB_API_TOKEN" --data-binary @- \
| jq '.data.repository.issues.edges | map (.node) | INDEX(.number) | with_entries({key: ("#" + .key), value: .value})')
# Show the data in a nice way, and with some added summaries.
echo $DATA | jq -r \ '
def colors: #
"black": "\u001b[30m",
"red": "\u001b[31m",
"green": "\u001b[32m",
"yellow": "\u001b[33m",
"blue": "\u001b[34m",
"magenta": "\u001b[35m",
"cyan": "\u001b[36m",
"white": "\u001b[37m",
"reset": "\u001b[0m",
def bold: "\u001b[1m";
def reset: colors.reset;
def title_map_data: '"$TITLEMAP"';
def round: . + 0.5 | floor;
def url: + . + reset;
def show_comment: (if .succeded then else end) + (.createdAt | fromdate | strftime("%d %b %H:%M")) + " "
+ colors.yellow + (.tags | join(", ")) + " "
+ (.url | url) +"\n"
+ (if (.succeded | not) and (.tags | length) == 0 then .bodyText+"\n\n" else "" end); # only show full text of unclassified failures
def exclude_expected: map(select(any(.tags[]; . == "#expected" or (. == "#duplicate")) | not));
def aggregate_summary: .
| exclude_expected
| reduce .[] as $x ( {runs: [], succeded: 0, total: 0, failed: 0};
.runs += [$x] | .total += 1 | if $x.succeded then .succeded += 1 else .failed += 1 end
def lookup_issue: . as $number | if (title_map_data | has($number)) then title_map_data[$number] else null end;
def show_breakdown_by_tag: .
| exclude_expected | map(select(.succeded == false)) | group_by(.tags)
| map({count: length, tags: .[0].tags, example_url: .[0].url})
| sort_by(.count)
| reverse
| .[]
| bold + (.count | tostring) + reset + " times "
+ colors.yellow + (.tags | join(", ")) + colors.reset
+ " " + (.tags | .[0] | if . == null then "" else (lookup_issue | bold + .title + reset + " | " + (.url | url)) end);
def show_summary: "succeded: " + (.succeded | tostring) +
", failed: " + (.failed | tostring) + " (" + (100 * .failed / .total | round | tostring) + "%)" +
", total: " + (.total | tostring) + "\nexcluding #expected failures";
. | map(show_comment)
+ [(. | aggregate_summary | show_summary)]
+ [""]
+ ["Broken down by tags/issues:"]
+ [. | show_breakdown_by_tag]
| join ("\n")'

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