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remove migration selection handlers until rework
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  Most of the code doesn't apply anymore because of the way we've changed how coin-selection works. So I've simply thrown everything away. It'll be possible to look at git later when re-implementing this to get some inspiration. It is also very likely that we may want to do things slightly differently, the problem and context being now different.
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KtorZ committed Jan 27, 2021
1 parent 736ad57 commit 395b954
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Showing 2 changed files with 15 additions and 224 deletions.
136 changes: 0 additions & 136 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ module Cardano.Wallet
, ErrWithdrawalNotWorth (..)

-- ** Migration
, selectCoinsForMigration
, ErrSelectForMigration (..)

-- ** Delegation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +145,6 @@ module Cardano.Wallet
, listTransactions
, getTransaction
, submitExternalTx
, signTx
, submitTx
, ErrMkTx (..)
, ErrSubmitTx (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,8 +259,6 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.CoinSelection
, ErrCoinSelection (..)
, feeBalance
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.CoinSelection.Migration
( depleteUTxO, idealBatchSize )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Fee
( ErrAdjustForFee (..), Fee (..), FeeOptions (..), adjustForFee )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Model
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1434,89 +1430,6 @@ estimateFeeForDelegation ctx wid = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do
db = ctx ^. dbLayer @s @k
pid = PoolId (error "Dummy pool id for estimation. Never evaluated.")

-- | Constructs a set of coin selections that select all funds from the given
-- source wallet, returning them as change.
-- If the coin selections returned by this function are used to create
-- transactions from the given wallet to a target wallet, executing those
-- transactions will have the effect of migrating all funds from the given
-- source wallet to the specified target wallet.
:: forall ctx s k n.
( HasTransactionLayer k ctx
, HasLogger WalletLog ctx
, HasDBLayer s k ctx
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> ctx
-> WalletId
-- ^ The source wallet ID.
-> ExceptT ErrSelectForMigration IO ([CoinSelection], Coin)
selectCoinsForMigration ctx wid = do
(utxo, _, txp, minUtxo) <- withExceptT ErrSelectForMigrationNoSuchWallet $
selectCoinsSetup @ctx @s @k ctx wid
selectCoinsForMigrationFromUTxO @ctx @k @n ctx utxo txp minUtxo wid

:: forall ctx k n.
( HasTransactionLayer k ctx
, HasLogger WalletLog ctx
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> ctx
-> W.UTxO
-> W.TxParameters
-> W.Coin
-> WalletId
-- ^ The source wallet ID.
-> ExceptT ErrSelectForMigration IO ([CoinSelection], Coin)
selectCoinsForMigrationFromUTxO ctx utxo txp minUtxo wid = do
let feePolicy@(LinearFee (Quantity a) _) = txp ^. #getFeePolicy
let feeOptions = (feeOpts tl Nothing Nothing txp minBound mempty)
{ estimateFee = minimumFee tl feePolicy Nothing Nothing . worstCase
, dustThreshold = max (Coin $ ceiling a) minUtxo
let selOptions = coinSelOpts tl (txp ^. #getTxMaxSize) Nothing
let previousDistribution = W.computeUtxoStatistics W.log10 utxo
liftIO $ traceWith tr $ MsgMigrationUTxOBefore previousDistribution
case depleteUTxO feeOptions (idealBatchSize selOptions) utxo of
cs | not (null cs) -> do
let resultDistribution = W.computeStatistics getCoins W.log10 cs
liftIO $ traceWith tr $ MsgMigrationUTxOAfter resultDistribution
liftIO $ traceWith tr $ MsgMigrationResult cs
let leftovers =
unCoin (TokenBundle.getCoin $ W.balance utxo)
W.balance' (concatMap inputs cs)
pure (cs, Coin leftovers)
_ -> throwE (ErrSelectForMigrationEmptyWallet wid)
tl = ctx ^. transactionLayer @k
tr = ctx ^. logger

getCoins :: CoinSelection -> [Word64]
getCoins CoinSelection{change,outputs} =
(unCoin <$> change) ++ (unCoin . txOutCoin <$> outputs)

-- When performing a selection for migration, at this stage, we do not know
-- exactly to which address we're going to assign which change. It could be
-- an Icarus address, a Byron address or anything else. But, depending on
-- the address, we get to pay more-or-less as fees!
-- Therefore, we assume the worse, which are byron payment addresses, this
-- will create __slightly__ overpriced selections but.. meh.
worstCase :: CoinSelection -> CoinSelection
worstCase cs = cs
{ change = mempty
, outputs = TxOut worstCaseAddress . TokenBundle.fromCoin <$> change cs
worstCaseAddress :: Address
worstCaseAddress = paymentAddress @n @ByronKey $ publicKey $
(minBound, minBound)
(unsafeXPrv $ BS.replicate 128 0)

-- | Estimate fee for 'selectCoinsForPayment'.
:: forall ctx s k.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1666,55 +1579,6 @@ getTxExpiry ti maybeTTL = do
defaultTTL :: NominalDiffTime
defaultTTL = 7200 -- that's 2 hours

-- | Very much like 'signPayment', but doesn't not generate change addresses.
:: forall ctx s k.
( HasTransactionLayer k ctx
, HasDBLayer s k ctx
, HasNetworkLayer ctx
, IsOurs s RewardAccount
, IsOwned s k
, HardDerivation k
, Bounded (Index (AddressIndexDerivationType k) 'AddressK)
, WalletKey k
=> ctx
-> WalletId
-> Passphrase "raw"
-> Maybe TxMetadata
-> Maybe NominalDiffTime
-- This function is currently only used in contexts where all change outputs
-- have been assigned with addresses and are included in the set of ordinary
-- outputs. We use the 'Void' type here to prevent callers from accidentally
-- passing change values into this function:
-> UnsignedTx (TxIn, TxOut) TxOut Void
-> ExceptT ErrSignPayment IO (Tx, TxMeta, UTCTime, SealedTx)
signTx ctx wid pwd md ttl (UnsignedTx inpsNE outs _change) = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do
txExp <- liftIO $ getTxExpiry ti ttl
era <- liftIO $ currentNodeEra nl
withRootKey @_ @s ctx wid pwd ErrSignPaymentWithRootKey $ \xprv scheme -> do
let pwdP = preparePassphrase scheme pwd
mapExceptT atomically $ do
cp <- withExceptT ErrSignPaymentNoSuchWallet $
withNoSuchWallet wid $
readCheckpoint (PrimaryKey wid)

let cs = mempty { inputs = inps, outputs = outs }
let keyFrom = isOwned (getState cp) (xprv, pwdP)
let rewardAcnt = getRawKey $ deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP xprv
(tx, sealedTx) <- withExceptT ErrSignPaymentMkTx $ ExceptT $
pure $ mkStdTx tl era (rewardAcnt, pwdP) keyFrom txExp md cs

(time, meta) <- liftIO $
mkTxMeta ti (currentTip cp) (getState cp) tx cs txExp
return (tx, meta, time, sealedTx)
db = ctx ^. dbLayer @s @k
tl = ctx ^. transactionLayer @k
nl = ctx ^. networkLayer
ti = timeInterpreter nl
inps = NE.toList inpsNE

-- | Makes a fully-resolved coin selection for the given set of payments.
:: forall ctx s k e input output change.
Expand Down
103 changes: 15 additions & 88 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Api/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ module Cardano.Wallet.Api.Server
, withLegacyLayer
, withLegacyLayer'
, rndStateChange
, assignMigrationAddresses
, withWorkerCtx
, getCurrentEpoch

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1681,23 +1680,8 @@ getMigrationInfo
-> ApiT WalletId
-- ^ Source wallet
-> Handler ApiWalletMigrationInfo
getMigrationInfo ctx (ApiT wid) = do
(cs, leftovers) <- fmap coinToQuantity <$> getSelections
let migrationCost = costFromSelections cs
pure $ ApiWalletMigrationInfo{migrationCost,leftovers}
costFromSelections :: [CoinSelection] -> Quantity "lovelace" Natural
costFromSelections = Quantity
. fromIntegral
. sum
. fmap selectionFee

selectionFee :: CoinSelection -> Word64
selectionFee s = inputBalance s - changeBalance s

getSelections :: Handler ([CoinSelection], Coin)
getSelections = withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.selectCoinsForMigration @_ @s @k @n wrk wid
getMigrationInfo _ctx _wid = do
throwE ErrTemporarilyDisabled

:: forall s k n p.
Expand All @@ -1714,65 +1698,8 @@ migrateWallet
-- ^ Source wallet
-> ApiWalletMigrationPostData n p
-> Handler [ApiTransaction n]
migrateWallet ctx (ApiT wid) migrateData = do
-- TODO: check if addrs are not empty

migration <- do
withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $ do
(cs, _) <- W.selectCoinsForMigration @_ @_ @_ @n wrk wid
pure $ assignMigrationAddresses addrs cs

forM migration $ \cs -> do
(tx, meta, time, wit) <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE
$ \wrk -> liftHandler $ W.signTx @_ @s @k wrk wid pwd Nothing Nothing cs
withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE
$ \wrk -> liftHandler $ W.submitTx @_ @_ wrk wid (tx, meta, wit)
liftIO $ mkApiTransaction
(timeInterpreter (ctx ^. networkLayer))
(txId tx)
(tx ^. #fee)
(fmap Just <$> NE.toList (W.unsignedInputs cs))
(W.unsignedOutputs cs)
(tx ^. #withdrawals)
(meta, time)
pwd = coerce $ getApiT $ migrateData ^. #passphrase
addrs = getApiT . fst <$> migrateData ^. #addresses

-- | Transform the given set of migration coin selections (for a source wallet)
-- into a set of coin selections that will migrate funds to the specified
-- target addresses.
-- Each change entry in the specified set of coin selections is replaced with a
-- corresponding output entry in the returned set, where the output entry has a
-- address from specified addresses.
-- If the number of outputs in the specified coin selection is greater than
-- the number of addresses in the specified address list, addresses will be
-- recycled in order of their appearance in the original list.
:: [Address]
-- ^ Target addresses
-> [CoinSelection]
-- ^ Migration data for the source wallet.
-> [UnsignedTx (TxIn, TxOut) TxOut Void]
-- ^ Unsigned transactions without change, indicated with Void.
assignMigrationAddresses addrs selections =
fst $ foldr accumulate ([], cycle addrs) selections
accumulate sel (txs, addrsAvailable) = first
(\addrsSelected -> makeTx sel addrsSelected : txs)
(splitAt (length $ view #change sel) addrsAvailable)

makeTx :: CoinSelection -> [Address] -> UnsignedTx (TxIn, TxOut) TxOut Void
makeTx sel addrsSelected = UnsignedTx
(NE.fromList (sel ^. #inputs))
(zipWith TxOut addrsSelected (TokenBundle.fromCoin <$> sel ^. #change))
-- We never return any change:
migrateWallet _ctx _wid _migrateData = do
liftHandler $ throwE ErrTemporarilyDisabled

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2354,10 +2281,21 @@ data ErrCreateWallet
-- ^ Somehow, we couldn't create a worker or open a db connection
deriving (Eq, Show)

data ErrTemporarilyDisabled = ErrTemporarilyDisabled
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Small helper to easy show things to Text
showT :: Show a => a -> Text
showT = T.pack . show

instance LiftHandler ErrTemporarilyDisabled where
handler = \case
ErrTemporarilyDisabled ->
apiError err501 NotImplemented $ mconcat
[ "This endpoint is temporarily disabled. It'll be made "
, "accessible again in future releases."

instance LiftHandler ErrCurrentEpoch where
handler = \case
ErrUnableToDetermineCurrentEpoch ->
Expand All @@ -2374,17 +2312,6 @@ instance LiftHandler ErrUnexpectedPoolIdPlaceholder where
Left msg = fromText @PoolId "INVALID"

instance LiftHandler ErrSelectForMigration where
handler = \case
ErrSelectForMigrationNoSuchWallet e -> handler e
ErrSelectForMigrationEmptyWallet wid ->
apiError err403 NothingToMigrate $ mconcat
[ "I can't migrate the wallet with the given id: "
, toText wid
, ", because it's either empty or full of small coins "
, "which wouldn't be worth migrating."

instance LiftHandler ErrNoSuchWallet where
handler = \case
ErrNoSuchWallet wid ->
Expand Down

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