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update 'postTransaction' handler to handle payments and withdrawals
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KtorZ committed Jul 28, 2020
1 parent 366461a commit 30f2d38
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Showing 7 changed files with 133 additions and 77 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/byron/src/Cardano/Wallet/Byron/Transaction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ newTransactionLayer _proxy protocolMagic = TransactionLayer
:: (k 'AddressK XPrv, Passphrase "encryption")
:: (XPrv, Passphrase "encryption")
-- Reward account
-> (Address -> Maybe (k 'AddressK XPrv, Passphrase "encryption"))
-- Key store
Expand Down
37 changes: 29 additions & 8 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ module Cardano.Wallet
, ErrWalletNotResponding (..)

-- ** Address
, createChangeAddress
, createRandomAddress
, importRandomAddresses
, listAddresses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -960,9 +961,9 @@ someChimericAccount
, k ~ ShelleyKey
=> SomeMnemonic
-> ChimericAccount
-> (XPrv, ChimericAccount)
someChimericAccount mw =
toChimericAccount @s (publicKey acctK)
(getRawKey acctK, toChimericAccount @s (publicKey acctK))
rootK = Shelley.generateKeyFromSeed (mw, Nothing) mempty
acctK = deriveRewardAccount mempty rootK
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1071,6 +1072,25 @@ listAddresses ctx wid normalize = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do
db = ctx ^. dbLayer @s @k
primaryKey = PrimaryKey wid

:: forall ctx s k.
( HasDBLayer s k ctx
, GenChange s
=> ctx
-> WalletId
-> ArgGenChange s
-> ExceptT ErrNoSuchWallet IO Address
createChangeAddress ctx wid argGenChange = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do
mapExceptT atomically $ do
cp <- withNoSuchWallet wid (readCheckpoint pk)
let (addr, s') = genChange argGenChange (getState cp)
putCheckpoint pk (updateState s' cp)
pure addr
db = ctx ^. dbLayer @s @k
pk = PrimaryKey wid

:: forall ctx s k n.
( HasDBLayer s k ctx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1493,10 +1513,7 @@ signPayment
=> ctx
-> WalletId
-> ArgGenChange s
-> ( (k 'RootK XPrv, Passphrase "encryption")
(k 'AddressK XPrv, Passphrase "encryption")
-> ((k 'RootK XPrv, Passphrase "encryption") -> (XPrv, Passphrase "encryption"))
-- ^ Reward account derived from the root key (or somewhere else).
-> Passphrase "raw"
-> CoinSelection
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1535,6 +1552,7 @@ signTx
, IsOwned s k
, HardDerivation k
, Bounded (Index (AddressIndexDerivationType k) 'AddressK)
, WalletKey k
=> ctx
-> WalletId
Expand All @@ -1551,7 +1569,7 @@ signTx ctx wid pwd (UnsignedTx inpsNE outsNE) = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do

let cs = mempty { inputs = inps, outputs = outs }
let keyFrom = isOwned (getState cp) (xprv, pwdP)
let rewardAcnt = deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP xprv
let rewardAcnt = getRawKey $ deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP xprv
(tx, sealedTx) <- withExceptT ErrSignPaymentMkTx $ ExceptT $ pure $
mkStdTx tl (rewardAcnt, pwdP) keyFrom (nodeTip ^. #slotNo) cs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1620,6 +1638,7 @@ signDelegation
, GenChange s
, HardDerivation k
, AddressIndexDerivationType k ~ 'Soft
, WalletKey k
=> ctx
-> WalletId
Expand All @@ -1640,7 +1659,7 @@ signDelegation ctx wid argGenChange pwd coinSel action = db & \DBLayer{..} -> do
withExceptT ErrSignDelegationNoSuchWallet $
putCheckpoint (PrimaryKey wid) (updateState s' cp)

let rewardAcnt = deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP xprv
let rewardAcnt = getRawKey $ deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP xprv
let keyFrom = isOwned (getState cp) (xprv, pwdP)
(tx, sealedTx) <- withExceptT ErrSignDelegationMkTx $ ExceptT $ pure $
case action of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1840,6 +1859,7 @@ joinStakePool
, GenChange s
, HardDerivation k
, AddressIndexDerivationType k ~ 'Soft
, WalletKey k
=> ctx
-> W.EpochNo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1896,6 +1916,7 @@ quitStakePool
, GenChange s
, HardDerivation k
, AddressIndexDerivationType k ~ 'Soft
, WalletKey k
=> ctx
-> WalletId
Expand Down
128 changes: 87 additions & 41 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Api/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
, KnownDiscovery (..)
, MinWithdrawal (..)
, PostExternalTransactionData (..)
, PostTransactionData
, PostTransactionFeeData
, PostPaymentOrWithdrawalData (..)
, PostPaymentOrWithdrawalFeeData (..)
, WalletBalance (..)
, WalletOrAccountPostData (..)
, WalletPostData (..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,6 +330,8 @@ import Data.Generics.Labels
import Data.List
( isInfixOf, isSubsequenceOf, sortOn )
import Data.List.NonEmpty
( NonEmpty (..) )
import Data.Map.Strict
( Map )
import Data.Maybe
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -627,7 +629,6 @@ mkShelleyWallet
( ctx ~ ApiLayer s t k
, s ~ SeqState n k
, IsOurs s Address
, IsOurs s ChimericAccount
, HasWorkerRegistry s k ctx
=> MkApiWallet ctx s ApiWallet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,7 +727,6 @@ mkLegacyWallet
, KnownDiscovery s
, HasNetworkLayer t ctx
, IsOurs s Address
, IsOurs s ChimericAccount
=> ctx
-> WalletId
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1183,41 +1183,80 @@ postTransaction
, HardDerivation k
, Bounded (Index (AddressIndexDerivationType k) 'AddressK)
, HasRewardAccount s k
, WalletKey k
=> ctx
-> ArgGenChange s
-> ApiT WalletId
-> Bool
-> PostTransactionData n
-> PostPaymentOrWithdrawalData n
-> Handler (ApiTransaction n)
postTransaction ctx genChange (ApiT wid) withdrawRewards body = do
let outs = coerceCoin <$> (body ^. #payments)
let pwd = coerce $ getApiT $ body ^. #passphrase
postTransaction ctx genChange (ApiT wid) withdrawRewards = \case
PostPaymentOrWithdrawalData (Left body) -> do
let pwd = coerce $ getApiT $ body ^. #passphrase
let src = getApiMnemonicT $ body ^. #source
let (xprv, acct) = W.someChimericAccount src

selection <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
withdrawal <- if withdrawRewards
then do
raw <- liftHandler $ W.queryRewardBalance @_ @t wrk acct
liftIO $ W.readNextWithdrawal @_ @s @t @k wrk wid raw
else pure (Quantity 0)

-- TODO:
-- Fail when there's nothing to withdraw to not do a useless
-- transaction.

addr <- liftHandler $ W.createChangeAddress @_ @s @k wrk wid genChange
let outs = (TxOut addr (Coin 1)) :| []
liftHandler $ W.selectCoinsForPayment @_ @s @t wrk wid outs withdrawal

let mkRewardAccount _ = (xprv, mempty)
(tx, meta, time, wit) <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.signPayment @_ @s @t @k wrk wid genChange mkRewardAccount pwd selection

withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.submitTx @_ @s @t @k wrk wid (tx, meta, wit)

selection <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
withdrawal <- if withdrawRewards
then do
acct <- liftHandler $ W.readChimericAccount @_ @s @k wrk wid
raw <- liftHandler $ W.queryRewardBalance @_ @t wrk acct
liftIO $ W.readNextWithdrawal @_ @s @t @k wrk wid raw
else pure (Quantity 0)
liftHandler $ W.selectCoinsForPayment @_ @s @t wrk wid outs withdrawal
liftIO $ mkApiTransaction
(txId tx)
(fmap Just <$> selection ^. #inputs)
(tx ^. #outputs)
(tx ^. #withdrawals)
(meta, time)

let mkRewardAccount (rootK, pwdP) = (deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP rootK, pwdP)
(tx, meta, time, wit) <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.signPayment @_ @s @t @k wrk wid genChange mkRewardAccount pwd selection
PostPaymentOrWithdrawalData (Right body) -> do
let pwd = coerce $ getApiT $ body ^. #passphrase
let outs = coerceCoin <$> (body ^. #payments)

withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.submitTx @_ @s @t @k wrk wid (tx, meta, wit)
selection <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
withdrawal <- if withdrawRewards
then do
acct <- liftHandler $ W.readChimericAccount @_ @s @k wrk wid
raw <- liftHandler $ W.queryRewardBalance @_ @t wrk acct
liftIO $ W.readNextWithdrawal @_ @s @t @k wrk wid raw
else pure (Quantity 0)
liftHandler $ W.selectCoinsForPayment @_ @s @t wrk wid outs withdrawal

liftIO $ mkApiTransaction
(txId tx)
(fmap Just <$> selection ^. #inputs)
(tx ^. #outputs)
(tx ^. #withdrawals)
(meta, time)
let mkRewardAccount (rootK, pwdP) =
(getRawKey $ deriveRewardAccount @k pwdP rootK, pwdP)
(tx, meta, time, wit) <- withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.signPayment @_ @s @t @k wrk wid genChange mkRewardAccount pwd selection

withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> liftHandler $
W.submitTx @_ @s @t @k wrk wid (tx, meta, wit)

liftIO $ mkApiTransaction
(txId tx)
(fmap Just <$> selection ^. #inputs)
(tx ^. #outputs)
(tx ^. #withdrawals)
(meta, time)
ti :: TimeInterpreter IO
ti = timeInterpreter (ctx ^. networkLayer @t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1302,19 +1341,23 @@ postTransactionFee
=> ctx
-> ApiT WalletId
-> Bool
-> PostTransactionFeeData n
-> PostPaymentOrWithdrawalFeeData n
-> Handler ApiFee
postTransactionFee ctx (ApiT wid) withdrawRewards body = do
let outs = coerceCoin <$> (body ^. #payments)
withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
withdrawal <- if withdrawRewards
then do
acct <- liftHandler $ W.readChimericAccount @_ @s @k wrk wid
raw <- liftHandler $ W.queryRewardBalance @_ @t wrk acct
liftIO $ W.readNextWithdrawal @_ @s @t @k wrk wid raw
else pure $ Quantity 0
fee <- liftHandler $ W.estimateFeeForPayment @_ @s @t @k wrk wid outs withdrawal
pure $ apiFee fee
postTransactionFee ctx (ApiT wid) withdrawRewards = \case
PostPaymentOrWithdrawalFeeData (Left _body) -> do
fail "TODO: postTransactionFee for withdrawals."

PostPaymentOrWithdrawalFeeData (Right body) -> do
let outs = coerceCoin <$> (body ^. #payments)
withWorkerCtx ctx wid liftE liftE $ \wrk -> do
withdrawal <- if withdrawRewards
then do
acct <- liftHandler $ W.readChimericAccount @_ @s @k wrk wid
raw <- liftHandler $ W.queryRewardBalance @_ @t wrk acct
liftIO $ W.readNextWithdrawal @_ @s @t @k wrk wid raw
else pure $ Quantity 0
fee <- liftHandler $ W.estimateFeeForPayment @_ @s @t @k wrk wid outs withdrawal
pure $ apiFee fee

:: forall ctx s t n k.
Expand All @@ -1324,6 +1367,7 @@ joinStakePool
, GenChange s
, HardDerivation k
, AddressIndexDerivationType k ~ 'Soft
, WalletKey k
, ctx ~ ApiLayer s t k
=> ctx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1385,6 +1429,7 @@ quitStakePool
, HasNetworkLayer t ctx
, HardDerivation k
, AddressIndexDerivationType k ~ 'Soft
, WalletKey k
, ctx ~ ApiLayer s t k
=> ctx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1446,6 +1491,7 @@ migrateWallet
, HardDerivation k
, Bounded (Index (AddressIndexDerivationType k) 'AddressK)
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
, WalletKey k
=> ApiLayer s t k
-- ^ Source wallet context
Expand Down
21 changes: 5 additions & 16 deletions lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/Model.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ availableBalance pending =

-- | Total balance = 'balance' . 'totalUTxO' +? rewards
:: (IsOurs s Address, IsOurs s ChimericAccount)
:: IsOurs s Address
=> Set Tx
-> Quantity "lovelace" Natural
-> Wallet s
Expand All @@ -301,12 +301,9 @@ totalBalance pending (Quantity rewards) s =
hasPendingWithdrawals =
not $ Set.null $ Set.filter
(any ourChimericAccount . Map.keys . withdrawals)
(not . Map.null . withdrawals)

ourChimericAccount acct =
evalState (state (isOurs acct)) (getState s)

-- | Available UTxO = @pending ⋪ utxo@
:: Set Tx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,14 +365,6 @@ prefilterBlock b u0 = runState $ do
state (isOurs $ dlgCertAccount cert) <&> \case
False -> Nothing
True -> Just cert
:: IsOurs s ChimericAccount
=> (ChimericAccount, Coin)
-> State s (Maybe Natural)
ourChimericAccount (acct, Coin c) =
state (isOurs acct) <&> \case
False -> Nothing
True -> Just $ fromIntegral c
mkTxMeta :: Natural -> Direction -> TxMeta
mkTxMeta amt dir = TxMeta
{ status = InLedger
Expand All @@ -385,17 +374,17 @@ prefilterBlock b u0 = runState $ do
, amount = Quantity amt
:: (IsOurs s Address, IsOurs s ChimericAccount)
:: (IsOurs s Address)
=> ([(Tx, TxMeta)], UTxO)
-> Tx
-> State s ([(Tx, TxMeta)], UTxO)
applyTx (!txs, !u) tx = do
ourU <- state $ utxoOurs tx
let ourIns = Set.fromList (inputs tx) `Set.intersection` dom (u <> ourU)
let u' = (u <> ourU) `excluding` ourIns
ourWithdrawals <- mapMaybeM ourChimericAccount $ Map.toList $ withdrawals tx
let wdrls = fromIntegral . getCoin <$> Map.elems (withdrawals tx)
let received = balance ourU
let spent = balance (u `restrictedBy` ourIns) + sum ourWithdrawals
let spent = balance (u `restrictedBy` ourIns) + sum wdrls
let hasKnownInput = ourIns /= mempty
let hasKnownOutput = ourU /= mempty
return $ if hasKnownOutput && not hasKnownInput then
Expand Down

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