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Devise-iOS is a simple client which automates connection with Devise.


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devise-ios is a simple client which automates connection with Devise. Specially created to work with devise-ios backend gem to make your job easier and faster!


devise-ios handles:

  • user registration
  • signing in / out
  • password reminder
  • form validation
  • profile updating
  • account deleting


  • Xcode 6.0 and iOS 7.0+ SDK
  • CocoaPods 0.36.0.beta.2 (use gem install cocoapods --pre to grab it!)


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party. To use devise-ios via CocoaPods write in your Podfile:

pod 'Devise', '~> 0.1.2'


Use #import <Devise/Devise.h> whenever you want to use devise-ios.

[DVSConfiguration sharedConfiguration] is a singleton to keep configuration in one place. At the very beginning, somewhere in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: in your AppDelegate use:

[[DVSConfiguration sharedConfiguration] setServerURL:<#NSURL#>];

devise-ios is also able to inform you about encountered problems. Logging is especially useful during debug process. There are 3 designed log levels:

  • DVSLoggingModeNone - Don't log anything, ignore all messages.
  • DVSLoggingModeWarning - Print all messages using NSLog.
  • DVSLoggingModeAssert - Abort the code with the message.

To specify logging mode use:

[[DVSConfiguration sharedConfiguration] setLoggingMode:<#DVSLoggingMode#>];

devise-ios takes care about network problems and is able to automatically retry requests in case of connection issues. You can specify a number and time between retries using numberOfRetries and retryTresholdDuration properties of DVSConfiguration.


The main class of devise-ios is DVSUser. Provided implementation is enough for login, registration, edition and any other features offered by devise-ios. Nevertheless you can subclass DVSUser to customize it and change to fit your own purposes in an easy way!

Functions are pretty straightforward and self-explanatory. If you wish to provide additional parameters for every request, use WithExtraParams:(DVSExtraParamsBlock)params function counterpart:

  • User registration:

    - (void)registerWithSuccess:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
    - (void)registerWithExtraParams:(DVSExtraParamsBlock)params success:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
  • Profile update:

    - (void)updateWithSuccess:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
    - (void)updateWithExtraParams:(DVSExtraParamsBlock)params success:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
  • Signing in:

    - (void)loginWithSuccess:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
    - (void)loginWithExtraParams:(DVSExtraParamsBlock)params success:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
  • Password reminder:

    - (void)remindPasswordWithSuccess:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
    - (void)remindPasswordWithExtraParams:(DVSExtraParamsBlock)params success:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
  • Password update:

    - (void)changePasswordWithNewPassword:(NSString *)newPassword success:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
    - (void)changePasswordWithNewPassword:(NSString *)newPassword extraParams:(DVSExtraParamsBlock)params success:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;
  • Account deleting:

    - (void)deleteAccountWithSuccess:(DVSVoidBlock)success failure:(DVSErrorBlock)failure;

If you haven't fallen in love with blocks yet, you can still pass additional parameters using regular methods:

  • Single parameter:

    - (void)setObject:(id)object forKey:(NSString *)key action:(DVSActionType)actionType;
  • Multiple parameters:

    - (void)setObjects:(NSDictionary *)objects forAction:(DVSActionType)actionType;
  • or via DVSUserDataSource protocol you have to confirm:

    - (NSDictionary *)additionalRequestParametersForAction:(DVSActionType)action;

User customization

Although DVSUser implementation is enough for a basic usage, you can customize it as well. The best way to adapt DVSUser class to your own purposes is to conform DVSUserDataSource protocol.

Changing default keys for built-in JSON fields can be achieved by:

- (NSString *)JSONKeyPathForEmail;
- (NSString *)JSONKeyPathForPassword;
- (NSString *)JSONKeyPathForPasswordConfirmation;

Defining your own customize validation rules used when performing a specified action:

- (NSArray *)additionalValidationRulesForAction:(DVSActionType)action;

And what was mentioned earlier you can inject your own request parameters via method:

- (NSDictionary *)additionalRequestParametersForAction:(DVSActionType)action;

If it's needed to store locally more info about DVSUser subclass (other than email, sessionToken and identifier - these are stored by default) conform DVSUserPersisting protocol. You can choose which properties should be persist by invoking:

- (NSArray *)propertiesToPersistByName;

Just remember to pass property names as NSString.

User model validation and messaging

devise-ios under the hood uses NGRValidator to validate data. On top of it devise-ios delivers a possibility to add your own validation rules. If you wish to add some of them, conform DVSUserDataSource protocol and implement additionalValidationRulesForAction: method.

Let's say a subclass of DVSUser has an additional property NSString *registrationUsername you want to validate during registration process to fulfill conditions:

  • cannot be nil
  • length should be at least 4 signs
  • length should be at most 20 signs

and display appropriate messages when validation fails:

  • when has less than 4 signs: "should has at least 4 signs"
  • when has more than 20 signs: "should has at most 20 signs"

Moreover registrationUsername doesn't sound very well for a user, so it should be displayed as a "Username":

- (NSArray *)additionalValidationRulesForAction:(DVSActionType)action {
    if (action == DVSActionRegistration) {
        return @[NGRValidate(@"registrationUsername").required().lengthRange(5, 20).tooShort(@"should has at least 4 signs.").tooLong(@"should has at most 20 signs").localizedName(@"Username")];
    return nil;

When user will provide string foo for registrationUsername property, devise-ios will return an NSError with localized description:

NSLog(@"%@", error.localizedDescription);
// Username should has at least 4 characters.

Simple as that! For more info please refer to NGRValidator.

UI Components

Sign up view example

At some point in your app you might want to prepare a quick setup for your users and allow them to log in and sign up. devise-ios provides a handy view controller, called DVSAccountRetrieverViewController, which simplifies that process. Here is a simple example of usage:

DVSAccountRetrieverViewController *logInController = [[DVSAccountRetrieverViewController alloc] initWithType:DVSRetrieverTypeLogIn fields:DVSAccountRetrieverFieldEmailAndPassword | DVSAccountRetrieverFieldProceedButton];
logInController.delegate = self;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:logInController animated:YES];

Simple, right? As you can see initializer takes two parameters:type and fields. First one is defining how your view controller will act and look. If you want to perform log in action, you should pass DVSRetrieverTypeLogIn. Using it with DVSAccountRetrieverViewController will automatically configure proceed button title and tap event to perform log in request. For sign up action you can use DVSRetrieverTypeSignUp type.

fields is options parameter that defines which parts of view should be visible. For example, if you want to use simple form with only text fields and proceed button, you should define fields like:

DVSAccountRetrieverFields logInFields = DVSAccountRetrieverFieldEmailAndPassword | DVSAccountRetrieverFieldProceedButton;

And the result will be:

Log in view example

If you want to add a password reminder to form, just use following combination:

DVSAccountRetrieverFields logInFields = DVSAccountRetrieverFieldEmailAndPassword | DVSAccountRetrieverFieldProceedButton | DVSAccountRetrieverFieldPasswordReminder;


Log in view with reminder example

In order to handle result of performed action, your class should override two DVSAccountRetrieverViewControllerDelegate protocol methods:

// for success 
- (void)accountRetrieverViewController:(DVSAccountRetrieverViewController *)controller didSuccessForAction:(DVSRetrieverAction)action user:(DVSUser *)user;

// for failure
- (void)accountRetrieverViewController:(DVSAccountRetrieverViewController *)controller didFailWithError:(NSError *)error forAction:(DVSRetrieverAction)action;

In both cases view controller will return action variable, that defines type of finished action and can have one of values: DVSRetrieverActionLogIn, DVSRetrieverActionSignUp, DVSRetrieverActionPasswordRemind. Success callback additionally will return corresponded user object saved in user.

DVSAccountRetrieverViewController doesn't implement autoclose feature. A developer is responsible for deciding when to close a view. To help with this task, devise-ios provides additional callback in DVSAccountRetrieverViewControllerDelegate that is executed when a user tapps a dismiss button:

- (void)accountRetrieverViewControllerDidTapDismiss:(DVSAccountRetrieverViewController *)controller; 


Implements full account lifecycle. Contains also an example with simple DVSUser subclassing and validation. To run demo please follow the instructions below:

$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:netguru/devise-ios.git
$ pod install

or if you already cloned the project without --recursive:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ pod install


devise-ios is available under the MIT license.


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More Info

Have a question? Please open an issue! You can also read our blog post announcing devise-iOS for simplified auth.

Copyright © 2014-2015 Netguru


Devise-iOS is a simple client which automates connection with Devise.







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