released this
04 Jan 00:12
Set SelectMode instead of NoDocumentMode when a new document.was created
Added ruler to show the bar number on top of the score view
Updated translations
Fix some issues to get Canorus running with Qt5
Introduced official support for Qt5
Bar reference list added to CAStaff
Fixed Repeat bar lines in lilypond export
Removed obsolete clipping from CAScoreView
Add icon for upcoming shortcuts feature
Added newDocument() fallback for environment without Python.
Added "Canorus is compiled with Python support." to about dialog box.
Requires Python 3.x; updated corresponding bindings
Added basic MusicXML export.
CATempo: Removed obsolete dotted property
Lilypond export: Added support for CATempo and CARitardando.
Scoreview: Fixed crash when adding lines marks
Added MIDI pitch offset property to voice
Lilypond export: Fixed indentination
Lilypond export: Export instrument names.
Lilypond export: Set rehersal marks drawn in box.
Fixed horizontal scrolling regression introduced with new speed optimizations.
Fixed MusicXML import regression introduced in R1282.
Significant speed improvement for getting the current clef.
Fixed crash in KDTree when adding notes.
Significant speed improvement for finding elements in range for canvas.
Moved drawable map from KDTree to ScoreView.
Removed several obsolete KDTree functions.
Removed several obsolete ScoreView functions
Midi import gives staffs and voices a name
Compatibility fix with recent Qt4
Skipped 0.7.1 Release
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