This library provides a way to implement literate programming of essentially any language within Markdig markdown parser.
It collects all the code blocks (not inline ones) found in a document and allow you to emit custom HTML instead of the default renderer.
You have to create three functions:
You receive all the code blocks as an argument, and returns your 'state' object.
Code blocks are represented in a record type:
type LiterateCodeBlockSummary<string> = {
index: int
language: string
commands: dict<string, string>
code: string
The 'state' object may be the information of the parsed source code, if it is needed prior to actually render each code block.
renderCont: 'State -> LiterateCodeBlockSummary<string> -> 'State * (HtmlRenderer -> HtmlAttributes -> unit) option
You receive the 'state' object and a code block as arguments, and returns a new 'state' object and (optionally) a continuation (callback function) to render a custom HTML.
The continuation can be None
if you do not want to render HTML manually and use the default renderer provided by Markdig instead.
You receive the 'state' object and a HtmlRenderer
. If you write a HTML here, it is inserted to the end of the document.
This just extracts all the F# source code and let the default renderer do the job.
let init callback codeBlocks =
let code =
|> (fun codeBlock -> codeBlock.code)
|> String.concat Environment.NewLine
callback code
let cont state codeBlock = (state, None)
let finalize state renderer = ()
let code = ref ""
let pipeline =
new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
|> Pipeline.useLiterateCodeBlock (init (fun s -> code := s)) cont finalize
let toHtml md = Markdown.ToHtml(md, pipeline)
Currently, this does not work on .NET Core.
See Issue #1.
module Main
open Markdig
open Markdig.Extensions.Literate
open Markdig.Extensions.Literate.FSharp
let main argv =
let pipe =
new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
|> Pipeline.useAdvancedExts
|> Pipeline.useFSharpLiterate(lineNumbers=false)
let md = """
# Hello!
let answer = 42
## 1
The *quick* fox **jumps** over the _lazy_ dog.
## 2
let f x = x + answer
### 4
let g x y = f x + f y
Markdown.ToHtml(md, pipe) |> printfn "%s"
Available under Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt.