Storage for my Neovim config
First, you'll need to Install Lua
Install Neovim
I use Packer as my plugin manager, so you'll need at least Neovim v0.5.0+
How I install Neovim for WSL Ubuntu 20.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install neovim
Clone this repo into the default configuration directory for your system.
- Linx -
~/.config/(clone here)
- Windows -
%LocalAppData%\(clone here)
git clone --depth 1\
git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\packer\start\packer.nvim"
From here, if you have Neovim open, restart Neovim and navigate to lua/plugin and open plugins.lua
. Use the :so
command to source the file, and you should be able to run :PackerSync
to install all of the plugins. Restart once again and you should be good to go! 👍
To use the special icons in Neotree, you'll need a supported font - I use Nerd Fonts