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Camunda Form Playground.


Integrate the playground into your application:

import { createCamundaFormPlayground } from 'camunda/form-playground';

const formPlayground = await createCamundaFormPlayground({
  container: document.querySelector('#container'),

// open preview;

// close preview

// listen on editor events
const formEditor = formPlayground.getEditor();

formEditor.on('selection.changed', () => { ... });


For proper styling include the necessary stylesheets, and font used:

<link href=",wght@0,400;0,600;1,400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/assets/form-js.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/assets/form-js-editor.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/assets/camunda-form-playground.css">


createCamundaFormPlayground => Promise<Result, Error>

Create a fully rendered form playground with options.

import { createFormPlayground } from '@camunda/form-playground';

const formPlayground = await createFormPlayground({
  container: document.querySelector('#form-playground'),


Create a new form playground with options.

import { CamundaFormPlayground } from '@camunda/form-playground';

const formPlayground = new CamundaFormPlayground({
  container: document.querySelector('#form-playground'),


There are several options that can be passed to the createFormPlayground or CamundaFormPlayground:

  container: HTMLElement,               // optional - the container to render the form playground into
  data: {},                             // required - set the initial form data
  schema: {},                           // required - set the initial form schema
  exporter: { name: '', version: '' },  // optional - set the schema exporter name and version
  layout: {},                           // optional - set the initial form layout
  editorAdditionalModules: [],          // optional - add additional modules to the form editor
  viewerAdditionalModules: [],          // optional - add additional modules to the form preview
  editorProperties: {},                 // optional - set the initial form editor properties
  viewerProperties: {},                 // optional - set the initial form preview properties

As an example, you can use the viewerProperties to override the default behavior to open external links in a new tab:

viewerProperties: {
  textLinkTarget: '_blank'

CamundaFormPlayground#open(containers?: string[]) => void

Open all or specific playground containers.

// open all;

// open specific[ 'form-preview' ]);

CamundaFormPlayground#collapse(containers?: string[]) => void

Collapse all or specific playground containers.

// collapse all

// collapse specific
formPlayground.collapse([ 'form-preview' ]);

CamundaFormPlayground#get(type: String, strict: Boolean) => any

Get a service from the embedded form editor.

const eventBus = formPlayground.get('eventBus');

CamundaFormPlayground#getDataEditor() => JSONEditor

Get the embedded input data editor.

const dataEditor = formPlayground.getDataEditor();

const data = dataEditor.getValue();

CamundaFormPlayground#getEditor() => FormEditor

Get the embedded form editor.

const editor = formPlayground.getEditor();

editor.on('selection.changed', () => { ... });

CamundaFormPlayground#getForm() => Form

Get the embedded preview form.

const form = formPlayground.getForm();

form.on('submit', event => {
  console.log('Form <submit>', event);

CamundaFormPlayground#getResultView() => JSONEditor

Get the embedded output data view.

const resultView = formPlayground.getResultView();

const data = resultView.getValue();

CamundaFormPlayground#getSchema() => any

Get the current form schema.

CamundaFormPlayground#setSchema(schema: any) => void

Set the form schema.

CamundaFormPlayground#saveSchema() => any

Export the form schema from the embedded form editor.

const schema = formPlayground.saveSchema(schema);

console.log('exported schema', schema);

CamundaFormPlayground#attachTo(parent: HTMLElement) => void

Attach the form playground to a parent node.

CamundaFormPlayground#detach() => void

Detach the form playground from its parent node.

CamundaFormPlayground#fire(event) => void

Fire an event.

CamundaFormPlayground#on(event, fn) => void

Subscribe to an event.

CamundaFormPlayground#off(event, fn) => void

Unsubscribe from an event.

CamundaFormPlayground#destroy() => void

Remove form playground from the document.

Hacking the Project

To get the development setup make sure to have NodeJS installed. As soon as you are set up, clone the project and execute

npm install
npm start
