an application that removes all the logistical hassle from group travel so that everyone can Tie-In!
Continuous Integration with TravisCI
I have a group of friends. We travel around the world to run marathons. We have a problem. It’s not the running, it’s the planning. Who is coming in when? Where is everyone staying? Who wants to do what while we are there?
Enter…Tie-In. Tie-In is a mobile first application that allows users to create trips, invite people on those trips, and view everyone’s details. How great would it be to have everyone’s trip itinerary details available in the palm of your hand so that you can invite people to join you for lunch, plan a meeting spot for dinner, or just coordinate arrangements to and from the airport? Tie-In allows you to update all of your travel itinerary information, create events inside the trip, and view all of those details for everyone in the group.
- Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript with jQuery, ajax and d3.js
- HTML/CSS and Bootstrap
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the General Public License - see the file for details
As a trip creator, I can create a new trip, which has a time frame and a location
As a trip creator, I can invite trip participants to join a trip
As a trip creator, I can delete or edit participants
As a trip creator, I can create multiple trips
As a trip participant, I can have multiple trips
As a trip participant, I can accept an invite to a trip
As a trip participant, I can create events inside a trip
As a trip participant, I can update my status
As a trip participant, I can post my flight / car / train information
As a trip participant, I can post my accommodations
As a trip participant, I can see other participants' travel
As a trip participant, I can see other participants' accommodations
As a trip participant, I can indicate time when I'm unavailable
As a trip participant, I can create an account with my email address
As a trip participant, I can sign in
As a trip participant, I can recover my password
As a trip participant, I can enter and edit account details
As a trip participant, I can invite new users via email
As a trip participant, I can view a trip's events on a timeline
- As a trip participant, I can look up flights to book
- As a trip participant, I can toggle participants' availability on the timeline
- As a trip participant, I can view everyone's accommodations on a map
- As a trip participant, I can pick a central meeting point
- As a trip participant, I can export events to my Google Calendar
- As a trip participant, I can sign in with my Google account