Istex-dl is a web application dedicated to ISTEX sub-corpus extraction. It makes possible to download several ISTEX documents easily in a ZIP file using a web interface.
- For debug mode: nodejs >= 8
- For production mode: docker & docker-compose or ezmaster
git clone [email protected]:istex/istex-dl.git && cd istex-dl
npm install
cd www/ && npm install
cd .. && npm start
Then istex-dl is listening at this URL:
Istex-dl is ezmaterized so you just have to deploy the latest istex-dl docker image with ezmaster.
Or if you do not use ezmaste, you can deploy istex-dl thanks to the docker-compose.yml dedicated to production this way:
curl > docker-compose.istex-dl.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose.istex-dl.yml up -d
Then istex-dl is listening at this URL: (replace
by your server hostname)