Client gem to easily interact with the TestingBot Api
You can install the api testingbot ruby-gem by running on your commandline.
$ git clone [email protected]:camilamaia/api.git
$ cd api
$ gem build api.gemspec
$ gem install api-0.1.0.gem
After you installed the gem you need to run a one part setup. Type api in your commandline and fill in the API key and API secret you obtained on
$ api
$ require 'api'
$ Api.config
$ Api.config = { :client_key => "bogus", :client_secret => "0000" }
$ Api.reset_config!
$ require 'api'
$ Api::User.get_info
$ Api::User.update_info({ "first_name" => new_name })
$ require 'api'
$ Api::Tests.get_all
$ Api::Tests.get_single_test(123423423423423) # where 123423423423423 is the test id
$ Api::Tests.delete_test(123423423423423) # where 123423423423423 is the test id
$ require 'api'
$ Api::TestlabTests.get_all
$ Api::TestlabTests.get_single_test(123423423423423) # where 123423423423423 is the test id
$ Api::TestlabTests.delete_test(123423423423423) # where 123423423423423 is the test id
The tests for this gem are located in the spec folder, you can run them with this Rake task:
rake spec
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