An extension for coc.nvim to enable Apache Camel language server support.
- Download and install a recent Java Development Kit
- Install this extension by adding this following lines to your
, Assuming you are a vim-plug user
" Initialize plugin system
call plug#begin()
" Shorthand notation; fetches
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
" Shorthand notation; fetches Camel Ls
Plug 'camel-tooling/coc-camel', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn build'}
call plug#end()
OR you can use CocInstall
to install Camel Language Server.
CocInstall coc-camel
For instance, code completion for XML with Camel DSL. The capabilities are based on the Camel Language Server.
For instance, code completion for JAVA with Camel DSL. The capabilities are based on the Camel Language Server.
To build local development environment please run these commands at the project root.
Apache License
This extension is built with create-coc-extension