Coordinate formatting, location calculation utilities, and NMEA sentence parser.
This module provides many useful functions:
- Formats ddmm.mmmmm or degrees minutes as DD or decimal degrees.
- Formats decimal degrees or DD as degrees minutes seconds or DMS.
- Formats DMS or degrees minutes seconds as DD or decimal degrees.
- Calculates horizontal accuracy which is the accuracy output on most GPS devices.
- Calculates the distance between two points.
- Parses all standard sentences of the NMEA protocol which includes $GPDTM, $GPGBS, $GPGGA, $GPGLL, $GPGLQ, $GPGNQ, $GPGNS, $GPGPQ, $GPGRS, $GPGSA, $GPGST, $GPGSV, $GPRMC, $GPVTG, and $GPZDA.
- Supports metric and imperial units.
- Support my continued creation of important modules. Buy me a glass of bourbon!
npm install location-utilities --save
var LocationUtility = require('path-to-module-index-file/index.js');
import { LocationUtility } from 'location-utilities';
// Pass 'imp' for imperial and 'm' for metric
// Returns an object with the parsed data
// Unit is either m for metric or imp for imperial
// Measurements are returned in meters or feet
// Longitude and latitude are returned in decimal degrees
LocationUtility.parseNMEA(NMEASentence, unit);
// Returns an object with the parsed data and casts it to a NMEA sentence interface
LocationUtility.parseNMEA(NMEASentence, 'imp') as LocationUtility.GGA;
// Supports all standard NMEA sentences as parse functions
// Replace GGA with the name of the sentence you are trying to parse
// Measurements are returned in meters or feet
// Longitude and latitude are returned in decimal degrees
LocationUtility.parseGGA(NMEASentence, 'imp');
// Returns horizontal accuracy as a number
// Unit is either m for metric or imp for imperial
// Measurements are returned in meters or feet
let parsedGST = LocationUtility.parseGST(NMEAGSTSentence, 'imp');
LocationUtility.horizontalAccuracy(parsedGST.stdLatitudeError, parsedGST.stdLongitudeError, 'imp');
// Returns an object containing decimal degrees for both latitude and longitude
// Latitude direction is either N for North or S for South
// Longitude direction is either E for East or W for west
LocationUtility.DMToDD(latitudeDirection, latitude, longitudeDirection, longitude);
// Returns decimal degrees for latitude as a number
// Latitude direction is either N for North or S for South
LocationUtility.DMLatToDD(latitudeDirection, latitude);
// Returns decimal degrees for longitude as a number
// Longitude direction is either E for East or W for west
LocationUtility.DMLongToDD(longitudeDirection, longitude);
// Returns degrees minutes seconds for latitude as a string
// Returns degrees minutes seconds for longitude as a string
// Returns decimal degrees as a number
// Looks for strings in this format: 138° 31' 50" E
// Returns the distance in the desired unit
// Unit is either m for metric or imp for imperial
// Longitude points and latitude points must be in decimal degrees
// Measurements are returned in kilometers or miles
LocationUtility.calculateDistance(point1Latitude, point1Longitude, point2Latitude, point2Longitude, unit);