pip install flask-orientdb
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.orientdb import OrientDB
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
client = OrientDB(app=app, server_pw=your_server_pw)
db_name = 'test_db'
db_type = 'plocal'
def home():
# connect operations can be called without 'with client.connection()'
if not client.db_exists(db_name, db_type):
client.db_create(db_name, 'graph', db_type)
# db operations need to be called within 'with client.connection()'
with client.connection():
client.command("CREATE CLASS Animal")
client.command("INSERT INTO Animal set name = 'lizard', \
species = 'reptile'")
with client.connection():
result = client.query("SELECT * FROM Animal")
return result[0].name
if __name__ == "__main__":
Instantiating the OrientDB object
app = Flask(__name__)
client = OrientDB(flask_app, server_un='root', server_pw=None,
host='localhost', port=2424)
creates the following configuration values stored in your Flask app configuration:
'ORIENTDB_HOST': 'localhost'
Set the OrientDB database you want to use. Username and password default to OrientDB's default 'admin', 'admin'
client.set_db('mydb', 'admin', 'my_pw')
Change configuration
app.config['ORIENTDB_SERVER_PASSWORD'] = my_new_pw
When you are inside a Flask view function, a connection to OrientDB is established. You can use connect operations from inside a view function without doing anything. Using db_open operations from inside a view function must be done within 'with client.connection():' For a list of connect operations and db_open operations see http://orientdb.com/docs/last/Network-Binary-Protocol.html#introduction. Do not call connect operations within 'with client.connection()', only use db_open operations.
The following commands differ from pyorient:
# pyorient db_create
client.db_create( db_name, pyorient.DB_TYPE_GRAPH, pyorient.STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY )
# flask-orientdb db_create
client.db_create( db_name, 'graph', 'memory')
# pyorient db_exists
client.db_exists( db_name, pyorient.STORAGE_TYPE_MEMORY )
# flask-orientdb-createdb
client.db_exists( db_name, 'memory')
# pyorient cluster_add
client.data_cluster_add('my_cluster_1234567', pyorient.CLUSTER_TYPE_PHYSICAL
# flask-orientdb cluster_add
client.data_cluster_add( 'my_cluster_1234567','physical')
flask-orientdb options for db_create: 'graph', 'document'.
flask-orientdb options for db_exists: 'memory', 'local', 'plocal'
flask-orientdb options for cluster_add: 'physical', 'memory'
Check Pyorient's documentation https://github.com/mogui/pyorient for a
complete list of commands.
Pull requests are welcome.
Feedback and comments are appreciated. Send to [email protected].