This is a fork of Adafruit's micro:bit library
The fork was modified to support the Calliope mini V3 and include an example project to show core functionalities of the Calliope mini V3.
- Sample project for Calliope mini 3 using RGB leds, motor driver, microphone, LED matrix, buttons
- Sample project for Calliope mini 1 and 2 using microphone, LED matrix, buttons, BLE. mini 2.0 needs the DAPLink USB firmware. mini 2.1 can only be flashed by exporting the binary hex file (CTRL + ALT + S) and drag and drop.
- Adafruit_GFX compatible LED Matrix driver on Timer 2
- BLE Serial client device for talking to Adafruit Bluefruit Connect App & Adafruit IO (Based v. heavily on Sandeep Mistry's BLE Code!) (BLE only working on Calliope mini 1 & 2!)
- Internal die temperature read (but its not very good)
A detailed guide for the usage of Adafruit's microbit library can be found here: