Releases: callain/thedeveloperslog-public
Release 1.7.0
Today on The Developer's Log!
I wish a happy new year to everyone reading this message!
⭐️ Features
- You can decide to hide pre-releases in your journal by going to your profile's preferences
- The search bar has been revamped to make it simpler yet richer. It understands Github search syntax
💅 Enhancements
- Trying a different alignment for repository statistics
Thank you for reading,
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Release 1.6.0
Today on The Developer's Log!
This release happily welcomes the Hacktoberfest event! Find projects to start hacking and participate in the Hacktoberfest challenge.
Learn more.
⭐️ Features
- Easily find Hacktoberfest projects and issues
- Add pagination to the search component results
💅 Enhancements
- Set the Hacktoberfest topic in your profile to add it in the topic filter
- Untoggle filtered topic by clicking once again
- The selected topic is now used to filter issues
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.5.1
Today on The Developer's Log!
Today bring a small update that addresses graphical issues.
💅 Enhancements
- Replace the DateNavigator InfoIcon disabled button by a span
🐞 Fixes
- Images responsiveness on the landing page
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.5.0
Today on The Developer's Log!
I've heard you people being concerned by the "public_repo" Github's permission and added a way to use the application without it.
⭐️ Features
- Register and login permissionless! You can avoid giving the "public_repo" Github's permission but you won't be able to star a repository through the application.
- The journal will now display a block with current conferences and it's even filterable by topic! Many thanks to
- Starred repositories scrollable in user profile modal
💅 Enhancements
- Started a Storybook and extracted the theme
- A dark theme 🌗, the application will switch automatically by reading your browser preferences
- Reduced bundle size (-200ko) by:
- Removing FontAwesome and replacing all icons by Github's Octicons
- Removing Github's Primer components dependency by creating some components myself
- Remove node-sass and make full usage of styled-components instead
- Added a robots.txt for a better SEO
- Starts replacing Semantic UI components and migrate to Fomantic UI CSS for font swapping feature
- Changelogs can be filtered by topic
- Upgrade dependencies
- Delete CircleCi to prepare to move to Github Actions
- Simplify Vercel configuration using zero-configuration mode and configure environment variables for CD
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.4.0
Today on The Developer's Log !
This update brings the start of user preferences ! You can now customize your experience to you what suits you best.
⭐️ Features
- User preferences, a profile item has appeared in the menu available by clicking on your avatar
- Topics filtering, select a topic among your favorites ones to filter the side content
- A FAQ, available in the footer, if you have other questions, you can send them to [email protected]
💅 Enhancements
- The welcome page view status is no longer stored in your device localstorage, it is now available across devices
- Redux has been fully replaced by the React context API
- Added a text when the issues blocks are empty
- Repositories topics are now displayed
🐞 Fixes
- Fix Bold on search by topics
- Fix CommitStrip image responsiveness
- Fix code rendering overflow in changelogs
- Fix paragraph overflow in changelogs
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.3.0
Today on The Developer's Log !
If you followed React Conf 2019 it's time to refactor/rewrite all the things !
If you did not and are interested, here is the youtube playlist of all the conferences.
⭐️ Features
- Most commented issues if you are curious about what people talk about
- Help wanted issues, an easy way to know where you can help the community
💅 Enhancements
- Migration to TypeScript
- Generate and use ReactApollo hooks (this include caching data !)
- SEO: Added a meta description
- Mobile layout enhancement (changelogs are now displayed in first)
🐞 Fixes
- Fixes assets caching
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.2.0
Today on The Developer's Log !
What would be a journal without its comic strip ? I'm proud to annonce that CommitStrip will be part of your journal ! 🎉
CommitStrip is a blog relating our life as developers in comic strips.
Thank you for allowing the integration of your content.
⭐️ Features
- CommitStrip integration in your journal: when a new strip is published, it will appear in your journal the day after
💅 Enhancements
- Use Chomsky font to decorate the website footer
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.1.0
Today on The Developer's Log !
⭐️ Features
- A click on the date will show a calendar with highlighted dates when there is some releases
- The calendar also includes a button to get back to today
💅 Enhancements
- Use Chomsky font to decorate the website title
- The app is now tested with Cypress
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.0.1
Today on The Developer's Log !
💅 Enhancements
- Github Emoji interpretation in changelogs 🎉
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed a typo "Ever dream" -> "Ever dreamed"
- Fixed favicons configuration thanks to
🔜 Coming soon
- A calendar to easily identify when there has been releases
Thank you for reading,
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here
Release 1.0.0
Welcome on The Developer's Log !
The journal crafted for developers.
Changelogs will be used to tell you about features, improvment, bugfixes and communication.
This release, v1.0.0 is a MVP(Minimal Viable Product).
- Landing page
- Github login
- Read starred repositories changelogs with one day lag
- Date navigation with keyboard arrows
- Trending repositories
- Help wanted repositories
- Responsive design
- User display with a way to log out
- Link to thedeveloperslog-public for issue report/feature request
- Templates for issue report/feature request
- Create a changelog on thedeveloperslog-public (this one)
- Welcome message displayed after first login
- Use the public repository to create changelogs and propage news to users
- Logo + favicon
More to come
There is a lot of feature ideas in the backlog which will enrich the application, so don't worry if you find the app kind of empty for the moment, its just the start !
If you like this app and want to support the development, you can pay me a coffee here