This is a code repository for the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics CALIPHO group neXtProt project
Example queries for neXtProt advanced searches (SPARQL).
For queries to be published, use:
NXQ_nnnnn.rq where nnnnn is a five digit number
For queries used internally or which need further validation, use:
The file contains meta-information fields followed by the SPARQL query itself. The meta-inoformation fields are:
- #id: identifies the query (should correspond to file name without extension)
- #title: english free text translation of the SPARQL query
- #comment: useful info about query (multiple lines prefixed with #comment are allowed)
- #tags: a list of comma separated categories for classifying & searching queries
- add tag
for queries not returning protein entries
- add tag
- #acs: a sample of uniprot style protein accession codes returned by the query
- #count: the count of entries returned by the query (approximative)
#title:Proteins phosphorylated and located in the cytoplasm
#comment:In this query we use the keyword "Phosphorylation" (KW-0597) and the UniProt subcellur location ontology term "Cytoplasm" (SL-0886).
#comment:Using the "childOf" allows to select for subcellular locations that are, in that ontology, children of cytoplasm like for example "Cell cortex".
#tags:subcellular location,cellular component,PTM,phosphorylation
select distinct ?entry where {
?entry :isoform ?iso.
?iso :keyword / :term cv:KW-0597.
?iso :cellularComponent /:term /:childOf cv:SL-0086.