This is a code repository for the SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics CALIPHO group neXtProt project
A Javascript SDK that speaks with the neXtProt API ( and SPARQL endpoint. These resources are freely available and can be used by anyone to create awesome apps.
Either you are an expert or a novice go ahead and try out the javascript library and don't hesitate to ask us questions if you have some troubles. We will appreciate your feedback.
In this example you can see what we can achieve with this library.
Include nextprot script (specify the version and use CDN)
Without external dependencies :
<script src=""></script>
With external dependencies (jQuery, Handlebars, Promises ) :
<script src=""></script>
If you are in a bower environment
bower install nextprot
Create the nextprot client giving some info about your application and who you are. This information is not compulsary and you do not need to register, but it helps us maintain a good quality of the service.
<script type="text/javascript">
var applicationName = 'demo app'; //please provide a name for your application
var clientInfo='calipho group at sib'; //please provide some information about you
var nx = new Nextprot.Client(applicationName, clientInfo);
Request the protein part of interest (see the list of methods in here: Example to access the sequence
nx.getProteinSequence('NX_P01308').then(function (isoforms){
Example to access the overview of a protein
nx.getProteinOverview('NX_P01308').then(function(overview) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(overview, null, 2)); //pretty-prints the overview
This SPARQL groups proteins by their existence level.
var query = 'SELECT ?pe count(?entry) as ?cnt ' +
'WHERE {?entry :existence ?pe} group by ?pe order by desc(?cnt)';
//Execute the sparql and print result
nx.executeSparql(query).then(function (response) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); //pretty-prints the response
response.results.bindings.forEach(function (data) {
var pe ="" , "");
var cnt = parseInt(data.cnt.value);
console.log(pe, ": ", cnt);
If combined with a chart library, you can create great charts without much effort. For example use Highcharts:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Create a div where you will plot the chart:
<div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
and finally use the example of SPARQL queries to draw a chart:
<script type="text/javascript">
var nx = new Nextprot.Client('demo app', 'calipho group');
var query ='SELECT ?pe count(?entry) as ?cnt ' +
'WHERE {?entry :existence ?pe} ' +
'group by ?pe order by desc(?cnt)';
//Execute the sparql and print result
nx.executeSparql(query).then(function (response) {
var seriesData = [];
response.results.bindings.forEach(function (data) {
var pe ="" , "");
var cnt = parseInt(data.cnt.value);
seriesData.push({name : pe, y: cnt});
//Draw the plot
chart: { type: 'pie'},
title: { text: 'Protein Entry Levels'},
plotOptions: { pie: { dataLabels: {enabled: false}, showInLegend: true }},
series: [{name: 'neXtProt entries count',data: seriesData }]
And voila you should get a fancy pie chart representing the different protein existence levels:
See the full source code here:
See a running example:
- grunt - concat and creates a bundle
- grunt serve - runs app on web server
grunt prod - creates minified and bundled versions in dist folder
npm test - runs the tests before releasing ! (test runs against production version) another way to run tests is to do grunt serve and access http://localhost:5000/test
grunt bump - On master branch only. tags the repository (don't forget to push). The tag is used by bower
npm publish