This project aims to provide a thin wrapping container around cloud infrastructure and kubernetes management tools.
For cloud infrastructure, primarily focusing on enabling: HashiCorp's Terraform,'s terragrunt, and the aws-cli.
For k8s support: helm, kubectl, eksctl.
Run these commands from the same folder as this readme. Tweak the Dockerfile to meet your needs.
# Build w/ project defaulted tool versions
docker build --pull --rm -t lapis-lazuli .
There are also hooks for specifying specific base images and tool versions, check out the Dockerfile for available build args.
# Build for the latest released terraform version
docker build --pull --rm --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=hashicorp/terraform:latest -t lapis-lazuli .
A pre-built version can also be pulled from docker hub:
docker pull calebhankins/lapis-lazuli
docker tag calebhankins/lapis-lazuli lapis-lazuli
If you are in a corporate env or for some other reason have self-signed certificates in your chain, the tools will fail with SSL errors. To mitigate this, the build will ping a site over ssl and trust the certs in the chain. If you wish to not do this, comment out the 'Trust self-signed certs' code in the Dockerfile prior to building.
If you pulled from docker hub instead of building, you may need to run the code related to self-signed certs after starting your image to trust your self-signed certs.
# Explore
docker run --rm -it lapis-lazuli
# / # terragrunt --version
# terragrunt version v0.23.23
More involved example, execute a particular tool using an env file and mounts:
# Load an env file that contains key=val pairs needed for Terragrunt
# Mount the current working directory as '/workspace' in the container
# Set the current working directory in the container to be '/workspace'
# Set the entrypoint app to be 'terragrunt'
# Run the image tagged as 'lapis-lazuli'
# Supply the entrypoint app (terragrunt) with the command line options '...'
docker run --rm -it \
--env-file ~/terragrunt_envs/sampleEnv.env
-v ~/terragrunt_envs:/root/terragrunt_envs \
-v $(pwd):/workspace \
--workdir /workspace \
--entrypoint terragrunt \
lapis-lazuli \
plan -out ./plans/sampleEnv_tf -var-file='/root/terragrunt_envs/sampleEnv.tfvars'