GameBoy Dev Docker is a docker image that gathers a bunch of compilers and tools used to develop GameBoy
The main aims of this project are:
- Avoid installing and configuring these compilers and tools in your local machine.
- Create a stable, easily and cross-platform environment for newcomers.
- Be a reliable option of pre-built image for continuous integration.
- RGBDS - Assembler and linker package. Documentation.
- GBDK - Maintained and modernized GBDK (Game Boy Development Kit) powered by an updated version of the SDCC toolchain. Provides a C compiler, assembler, linker and a set of libraries.
- gbdk-go - A compiler translates Go programs to C code. The output C code is built into GB ROM by GBDK.
- bmp2cgb - Graphics converter for Game Boy Color development providing real time palette adjustments.
- png2gb - CLI tool to convert image file to game boy .c array.
- Gcc
- G++
- Make
- CMake
- Git
- Golang
This is an example of how to compile a HelloWorld ROM using GDBK.
# We'll use the root folder of `gameboy-dev-docker` as example in this case.
$ docker run -v $PWD:/app -w /app caiotava/gameboy-dev lcc -o examples/hello_world.c
# First, we need to remove the pokemon-builder container
# if, for some reason, it has already existed.
$ docker rm -f pokemon-builder
# Start a new docker container with the name `pokemon-builder`.
$ docker run -t -d --name pokemon-builder --entrypoint /bin/bash caiotava/gameboy-dev
# Cloning the Pokemon Red repository inside our docker container.
$ docker exec pokemon-builder git clone --recursive --shallow-since=2021-04-01 --single-branch
# Compiling Pokemon Red using RGBDs.
$ docker exec -w /pokered pokemon-builder make -j4 compare
# Copying the rom compiled from the docker container to your machine.
$ docker cp pokemon-builder:/pokered/pokered.gbc .
# This recipe will build the image and tag it as: `caiotava/gameboy-dev`
$ make build-docker-image
Have you missed some compiler, tool, or lib?
Just create a new PR adding it in the Dockerfile and README.