Walkman was inspired by Ruby's VCR. While VCR deals explicitely with HTTP requests, Walkman is useful for performing automated mocking of any module.
Walkman wraps modules instead of modifying them directly, which means there is less funny business going on, so less chance newer versions of Elixir will break the package. Walkman is more explicit and less magical, and as a result you will have to write a tiny bit more boilerplate than you're maybe used to.
Somewhere in your application you've got a module, MyModule
, that communicates with the outside world. Perhaps it is an SSH driver, or it makes an HTTP request.
Make the location of this module configurable
# config/config.exs
config :my_app, my_module: MyModule
# config/test.exs
config :my_app, my_module: MyModuleWrapper
Replace MyModule
in your application with Application.get_env(:my_app, :my_module)
Wrap MyModule
with MyModuleWrapper
# test/support/my_module_wrapper.ex
require Walkman
Walkman.def_stub(MyModuleWrapper, for: MyModule)
Lastly, in mix.exs
, add test/support/
to the paths that need to be compiled in :test
def project do
# Everything that usually goes here
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env())
defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"]
defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]
Now you can use "tapes" in your tests.
test "MyModule" do
Walkman.use_tape "my wrapper tape" do
# test code that uses `MyModule` underwater
Add the fixtures that Walkman creates to your repository.
To generate new fixtures, just remove the "tapes" you want to regenerate and re-run the tests. Like VCR, if Walkman doesn't find an existing fixture, it will create one.
Fixtures are saved in Erlang's binary External Term Format, which most editors won't be able to open correctly. If you want to see what exactly has been recorded, you can use :erlang.binary_to_term()
to parse the file contents back into readable Elixir terms.
File.read!("path/to/fixture") |> :erlang.binary_to_term()
If you set Walkman to :integration
mode then it will pass all function calls through to the wrapped module (instead of using the fixtures).
o Walkman cannot run specs in parallel. Walkman sets the "tape" globally and would have no way of knowing from which test a particular call originates.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding walkman
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:walkman, "~> 0.3.0", only: :test}
Note that if you want to run Walkman's tests locally, you'll need to be running Elixir v1.9.1 and Erlang v22.1.