Work in progress, taking PRs.
The decompiler requires Node.js to run.
To install Node.js, visit the Node.js website.
To install the decompiler, clone the repository:
git clone
Then navigate to the root directory and install the dependencies:
cd Luau-Decompiler
npm install
Usage: npm start <input-file> <output-directory>
The decompiler will output the decompiled Lua code to the output directory, along with the deserialized code.
To get the bytecode of a Luau file, you must build the generator binary.
You may also use bytecode from other sources, as long as it is valid Luau bytecode and compatible with the version of Luau that the decompiler is built for.
To build the generator, run the following commands in the generator
First, download the Luau source code from the Roblox repository:
git clone https://
Then build the Luau compiler:
On all platforms:
mkdir cmake && cd cmake
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build . --target Luau.Repl.CLI --config RelWithDebInfo
On Linux/MacOS:
make config=release luau
Then build the generator:
On all platforms:
cmake -B build -S .
On Linux/MacOS:
./generator <input-file> <output-file>
./generator file.luau bytecode.luauc
The output file will contain the bytecode of the input file.