perl-completion plugin supports basic perl completion and Moose / DBIx::Class completion.
the rules could be easily extended. see ( ftplugin/perl/perlomni.vim )
core rules including:
- variable name completion
- function name completion
- package method name completion
- base class method name completion
- basic Moose completion
- basic DBIx completion
Supports deoplete completion
perlomni completion requires vim 7.2 or newer.
and filetype feature should be enabled.
just run make:
$ make install
and add ~/.vim/bin/ to your $PATH env variable , for example, add these lines to your .bashrc or .zshrc:
export PATH=~/.vim/bin:$PATH
please make sure you've enable filetype plugin your .vimrc
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
NOTE) If you install pathogen.vim , you can make this working without installing.
If you are you want completion as you type and are using neovim you can install https:://
In insert mode , press C-x C-o to emit omni completion.
P.S. The completion works in terminal vim is faster than gvim/MacVim.
Perl omni completion plugin is extensible, you can extend completion rules by simple regular expressions.
your omni completion extension should put in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/perl/what-ever.vim.
AddPerlOmniRule(rule), for example:
cal AddPerlOmniRule({ 'only':1, 'head': '^has\s\+\w\+' ,
\'context': '\s\+is\s*=>\s*$' ,
\'backward': '[''"]\?\w*$' ,
\'comp': function('s:CompMooseIs') } )
cal AddPerlOmniRule({
\'context': '&$',
\'backward': '\<\U\w\+$',
\'comp': function('s:CompBufferFunction') })
Available Rule attributes
only: if one rule is matched, then rest rules won't be check.
contains: if file contains some string (can be regexp)
context: completion context pattern
backward: regexp for moving cursor back to the completion position.
head: pattern that matches paragraph head.
comp: completion function reference.
ns: cache namespace
key: cache key
ns: cache namespace
key: cache key
value: cache value
Please feel free to ask commit bit of this. just drop me a line. :-)
- Cornelius (林佑安) [email protected]
- Mattn (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) [email protected]
- cazador481 (Edward Ash) [email protected]
extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
extends 'AAC::Pvoice';
" module compeltion
my $obj = new B::C;
" complete class methods
" complete built-in function
seekdir see
" $self completion
" my $self
" to
" my $self = shift;
my $self
" complete current object methods
sub testtest { }
sub foo1 { }
sub foo2 { }
" smart object method completion
my $var = new Jifty;
" smart object method completion 2
my $var = Jifty::DBI->new;
my %hash = ( );
my @array = ( );
" complete variable
$var1 $var2 $var3 $var_test $var__adfasdf
$var__adfasd $var1
" moose complete
has url => (
metaclass => 'Labeled',
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
label => "The site's URL",
" role
with 'Restartable' => {
-alias => {
stop => '_stop',
start => '_start'
-excludes => [ 'stop', 'start' ],
" }}}