Much of this code was copied from / inspired by Yet Another Foxbox (YAFB) by Gregory Stoike (KN4CK) which can be found here: It has been stripped down and adapted for use on a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 and a NiceRF SA868.
All credit for this project goes to Gregory Stoike; I just made his work simple enough for my own simple foxes.
To update the firmware with a new frequency, delay, callsign, etc. simply open fox.ino in the arduino IDE and make the changes you want, then hold down the 'B' button on the XIAO controller while you plug it in. This puts the fox into boot-selector mode which prepares it to recieve a new firmware. hit upload on the Arduino IDE and once its done, hit the 'R' button on the XIAO controller to restart the fox with the new firmware.
Holding 'B' while restarting the fox can also be used to halt transmissions while charging the fox via USB-C
The hardware for this fox is (purposely) super simplistic. I wanted something that was minimal to make but could be expanded out by myself or others to do more than just the basic functionality of a fox.
The seed XIAO fit this bill perfectly; it has a battery controller built in to manage the LiPo, reducing the need for more components, and offers wifi and bluetooth for future expandability.
LEDs were added to the radio power and transmit pins for easy troubleshooting.
The full circuit looks like this:
Right now this project is basically just a hodge-podge of others code brought together by a bit of my own.
I tried to comment as liberally as possible because im hoping others can use this code to help their own SA868 projects. It's an awesome chip and deserves a lot more of a community than it currently has.
In order to build this you will need softwareserial.h. This can be found in the EspSoftwareSerial library contained in this repo. Simply move or copy the EspSoftwareSerial directory into the arduino libraries directory on your machine (~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/EspSoftwareSerial on MacOS)
If you found one of my foxes at a con and want help updating the firmware, or are just looking to build one of your own, please feel free to reach out to me on twitter! @c0ldbru