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Module handling adb functionality, inspired by adbkit, adbkit-monkey and adbkit-logcat. This module removes its deprecated api, includes bug fixes, TS support and more convinient functions and syntax as well as easy scalability for custom functionalities.

Developed and tested with Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 Version 29.0.5-5949299.


yarn add adb-ts


  • AdbClient(options?: AdbClientOptions)
  • options? optitional callback function:
    • bin: string: path to adb.exe, if not set, env path is taken
    • noAutoStart: boolean: if false, module will not attempt to start adb server
    • host: string: default localhost
    • port: number: default 5037
import { AdbClient } from 'adb-ts';
const adb = new AdbClient({ bin: 'path-to-adb.exe' });

adb methods

adb.version(cb?: (err: Error, value: number) => void)
    .then((version: number) => console.log(version));

Gets the adb server version.

  • Returns: Promise<number> (device: AdbDevice) => R) (device: AdbDevice) => {
  const props = await device.listProperties();

Maps through all devices. In the mapper function, instance of AdbDevice is available. AdbDevice has properties id , state , path , device , model , product , transport and transportId . Snippet above is equivalent to:

    .then((devices) => {
        return, async (device) => {
        const props = await adb.listProperties(;
  • Returns: Promise<R[]>
adb.connect(host: string, port = 5555) (device) => {
    await device.tcpip();
    await adb.waitForDevice('usb', 'device')
    const ip = await device.getIpAddress();
    await adb.connect(ip);

Connects to device over local network.

  • Returns: Promise<string> device id
adb.disconnect(host: string, port = 5555, cb?: (err: Error, value: string) => void)
    .then((id: string) => console.log(id));

Disconnects from the given device.

  • Returns: Promise<string> device id
adb.listDevices(cb?: (err: Error, value: IAdbDevice[]) => void)
    .then((devices: IAdbDevice[]) => console.log(devices));

Gets the list of currently connected devices and emulators.

  • Returns: Promise<IAdbDevice[]>
adb.trackDevices(cb?: (err: Error, value: Tracker) => void)
    .then((tracker: Tracker) => {
        tracker.on('add', (device) => {
            // ...

Return instance of Tracker extending EventEmitter , which can emit events add , remove , change , end or error .

  • Returns: Promise<Tracker>
adb.kill(cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Kills the adb server.

  • Returns: Promise<void>
adb.exec(...args: ReadonlyArray)
    .then((output: string) => console.log(output));

Executes a given command via adb console interfase.

  • Returns: Promise<string>
adb.custom(CustomCommand: CommandConstruct, cb?: (err: Error, value: T) => void)

Enables to execute any custom command. Provided parameter has to extend the Command class.

// gets adb version
class MyCommand extends Command {
    execute() {
        return super.execute('host:version')
            .then((reply) => {
                switch (reply) {
                    case Reply.OKAY:
                        return this.parser.readValue().then((value) => {
                            return parseInt(value.toString(), 10)
                    case Reply.FAIL:
                        return this.parser.readError();
                        return parseInt(reply, 10);
    .then((value) => {

Execute method ParseCommand instance will call overriden parse method. Execute method RawCommand resolves with socket connection to the adb server. Custom Transport command to be executed on a particular device:

adb device functions

device.getSerialNo(cb?: (err: Error, value: string) => void)
    .then((id: string) => console.log(id));

Gets the serial number of the device. Meant for getting serial number of local devices. Analogous to adb shell getprop ro.serialno .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.getDevicePath(cb?: (err: Error, value: string) => void)
    .then((path: string) => console.log(path));

Gets the device path of the device identified by the device.

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.listProperties(cb?: (err: Error, value: KeyStringObject) => void)
    .then((properties: KeyStringObject) => console.log(properties));

Gets the device properties. Analogous to adb shell getprop .

  • Returns: Promise<KeyStringObject>
device.listFeatures(cb?: (err: Error, value: KeyStringObject) => void)
    .then((features: KeyStringObject) => console.log(features));

Gets the device features. Analogous to adb shell pm list features .

  • Returns: Promise<KeyStringObject>
device.listPackages(cb?: (err: Error, value: string[]) => void)
    .then((packages: string[]) => console.log(packages));

Gets the installed packages. Analogous to adb shell pm list packages .

  • Returns: Promise<string[]>
device.getIpAdress(serial: string)
device.getIpAdress(cb?: (err: Error, value?: string) => void)
    .then((ipadd?: string) => console.log(ipadd));

Gets the the ip address of default wlan interface. If device has no ip address assigned, returns undefined .

  • Returns: Promise<string | undefined>
device.forward(serial: string, local: string, remote: string)
device.forward('tcp:9222', 'localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote')
    .then(() => null);

Forwards socket connections from the ADB server host (local) to the device (remote). Analogous to adb forward <local> <remote> .

  • local The local endpoint on the ADB host in one of the following formats:
    • tcp:<port>
    • localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
    • localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
    • localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
    • dev:<character device name>
  • remote The remote endpoint on the device.
  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.listForwards(cb?: (err: Error, value: ForwardsObject[]) => void)
    .then((list: ForwardsObject[]) => console.log(list));

Lists all forwarded connections. Analogous to adb forward --list .

  • Returns: Promise<ForwardsObject[]>
device.reverse(local: string, remote: string, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
device.reverse('localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote', 'tcp:9222')
    .then(() => null);

Reverses socket connections from the device (remote) to the ADB server host (local). Analogous to adb reverse <remote> <local> ;

  • remote The remote endpoint on the device in one of the following formats:
    • tcp:<port>
    • localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
    • localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
    • localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
    • dev:<character device name>
  • local The local endpoint on the ADB host.
  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.listReverses(cb?: (err: Error, value: ReversesObject[]) => void)
    .then((list: ReversesObject[]) => console.log(list));

Lists all reversed connections. Analogous to adb reverse --list .

  • Returns: Promise<ReversesObject[]> string | string[], cb?: (err: Error, value: string) => void)'ip route')
    .then((value: string) => console.log(value));

Executes a shell command on the device. Analogous to adb shell 'command' ;

  • Returns: Promise<string> output
device.reboot(cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Reboots the device. Analogous to adb reboot .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.shutdown(cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Shuts the device down. Analogous to adb reboot -p .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.remount(cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Attempts to remount the /system partition in read-write mode. Can be done on a rooted device. Analogous to adb remount .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.root(serial: string)
    .then(() => null);

Attempts to which the device to the root mode. Analogous to adb root .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.screenshot(cb?: (err: Error, value: Jimp) => void)
    .then((image: Jimp) => {

Gets a screenshot on the specified device. See Jimp for fot its API.

  • Returns: Promise<Jimp>
device.openTcp(port: number | string, host?: string, cb?: (err: Error, value: Connection) => void)
    .then((socket: Connection) => {
       // socket.write(...)

Opens a direct TCP connection to a port on the device, without any port forwarding required. Analogous to adb tcp <port>:<host> .

  • Returns: Promise<Connection>
device.openLogcat(options?: LogcatOptions, cb?: (err: Error, value: LogcatReader) => void)
    filter: (entry) => entry.message.includes('some string') && entry.prioritiy >= Priority.FATAL
    .then((reader: LogcatReader) => {
       reader.on('entry', (entry) => {
       // ...

Returns a LogcatReader instance. Enables to set filter option for cleaner filtering of the incoming logs. e.g. filter: (entry) => entry.message.includes('some string') is roughly similar to adb logcat | grep 'some string' . LogcatReader is a class extending EventEmitter and emitting events entry , end , finish or error .

  • Returns: Promise<LogcatReader>
device.clear(pkg: string, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Deletes all data associated with a package from the device. Analogous to adb shell pm clear <pkg> .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.install(apk: string | Readable, options?: InstallOptions, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
device.install('path-to-apk', { test: true })
    .then(() => null);
  • options?: InstallOptions:

    • reinstall?: boolean: adds -r flag to the install command
    • test?: boolean: adds -t flag to the install command
    • internal?: boolean: adds -f flag to the install command
    • allowDowngrade?: boolean: adds -d flag to the install command
    • grandPermissions?: boolean: adds -g flag to the install


  • args?: string:

    • e.g. --fastdeploy flag

Installs an apk to the device. Analogous to adb install .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.uninstall(pkg: string, options?: UninstallOptions, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);
  • options?: InstallOptions:
    • keepCache?: boolean: adds -k flag to the install command

Uninstalls a package from the device. Analogous to adb uninstall .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.isInstalled(pkg: string, options?: UninstallOptions, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then((result: boolean) => console.log(result));
  • pkg: string: package name to examine

Tells if a package is installed or not.

  • Returns: Promise<boolean>

device. startService(pkg: string, service: string, options?: any, cb?: (err: Error) => void)

device.startService('com.some.package', 'SomeService', { flags: '-f',  extras: {
            key: 'name',
            value: '0',
            type: 'string'
    .then((result: boolean) => console.log(result));
  • options:
  • user?: number | string: default 0
  • action?: string: adds -a flag, action
  • data?: string: adds -d flag, optitional data
  • mimeType: boolean: adds -t flag
  • category: string | string[]: adds -c flag, string or string array
  • flags: AdbFlag | AdbFlag[] values: '-f' | '-d' | '-e' | '-g' | '-k' | '-s' | '-t' | '-3' | '-i' | '-u'

  • extras: AdbExtra | AdbExtra[]

AdbExtra is an object: key: string

type: AdbExtraType = 'string' | 'null' | 'bool' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'uri' | 'component'

value: SimpleType | SimpleType[]

Starts a new activity with options. Extras data type needs to be defined separately in the type property.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

device.startActivity(pkg: string, activity: string, options?: StartActivityOptions, cb?: (err: Error) => void)

device.startActivity('com.some.package', 'SomeActivity', { debug: true })
    .then((result: boolean) => console.log(result));
  • debug: boolean: adds -D flag, enables debugging
  • wait: boolean: adds -W flag, resolves once activity was sucesfully started

For other options see startService .

Starts a new activity with options.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

device.stat(cb?: (err: Error, value: Stats) => void)

    .then((value: Stats) => {


Return instance of Stats , object extending fs.Stats .

  • Returns: Promise<Stats>.

device.readDir(cb?: (err: Error, value: SyncEntry[]) => void)

    .then((entries: SyncEntry[]) => {


Return array of SyncEntry , object extending Stats . Note, the path should start with a slash.

  • Returns: Promise<SyncEntry[]>.

File handling methods

device.pull(cb?: (err: Error, value: PullTransfer) => void)

    .then((transfer: PullTransfer) => {
        transfer.on('data', (chunk) => {
            data += chunk.toString();
        transfer.on('end', () => {

Returns instance of PullTransfer extending Stream.PassThrough , which can emit events end , data , close , pause , readable , resume , progress or error . Generaly it is more convinient to use pullFile() or pullDataFromFile() methods.

  • Returns: Promise<PullTransfer>.

device.pullFile(srcPath: string, destPath: string, cb?: (err: Error) => void)

device.pullFile('/path/on/device', 'output.txt')
    .then(() => null);
  • srcPath: string: path to file on the device to be read
  • destPath: boolean: path to desired output file on the host

Wraps pull() method, reads the content of file on the device to a file on the PC.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

device.pullDataFromFile(srcPath: string, cb?: (err: Error, value: string) => void)

    .then((output: string) => console.log(output));
  • srcPath: string: path to file on the device to be read

Wraps pull() method, reads the file content and resolves with the output.

  • Returns: Promise<string>.

device.push(destPath: string, mode?: SyncMode, cb?: (err: Error, value: PushTransfer) => void)

device.push('path-to-src', '/path/on/device')
    .then((transfer: PushTransfer) => {
        transfer.on('end', () => {


Return instance of PushTransfer extending EventEmitter , which can emit events end , cancel , progress or error . Generaly it is more convinient to use pushFile or pushDataToFile methods.

  • Returns: Promise<PushTransfer>.

device.pushFile(src: string, dest: string, cb?: (err: Error) => void)

device.pushFile('path-to-source', '/path/on/device')
    .then(() => null);
  • srcPath: string: path to file on the host to be written
  • destPath: boolean: path to file on the device

Wraps push() method, reads the content of file on the host to a file on the device.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

device.pushDataToFile(data: string, destPath: string, cb?: (err: Error) => void)

device.pushDataToFile('contents', '/path/on/device')
    .then((output: string) => console.log(output));
  • data: string: string to be written
  • destPath: string: path to file on the device

Wraps push() method, provides API for quick data writting.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

device.tcpip(port = 5555, cb?: (err: Error, value: string) => void)

    .then(() => null);

Puts the device's ADB daemon into tcp mode. Afterwards it is possible to use connect method. Analogous to adb tcpip 5555 . Resolves with port number.

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.usb(cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Puts to device transport back to usb.

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.waitBootComplete( cb?: (err: Error) => void)
adb.trackDevices((err, tracker) => {
    tracker.on('add', (device) => {
            .then(() => {


Waits until the device has finished booting.

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.listSettings(mode: SettingsMode, cb?: (err: Error, value: KeyStringObject) => void)
    .then((settings: KeyStringObject) => console.log(settings));
  • mode: SettingsMode: values system, global or secure.

Gets the device features. Analogous to adb shell settings list system <mode> .

  • Returns: Promise<KeyStringObject>
device.getProp(prop: string, cb?: (err: Error, value: SimpleType) => void)
    .then((value: SimpleType) => console.log(value));

Gets the device features. Analogous to adb shell getprop <propname> .

  • Returns: Promise<SimpleType>
device.getSetting(mode: SettingsMode, name: string, cb?: (err: Error, value: SimpleType) => void)
device.getSetting('global', 'wifi_on')
    .then((value: SimpleType) => console.log(value));

Gets the device features. Analogous to adb shell settings get <mode> <name> .

  • Returns: Promise<SimpleType>
device.putSetting(mode: SettingsMode, name: string, value: SimpleType, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
device.putSetting('global', 'wifi_on' , 0)
    .then(() => null);

Gets the device features. Analogous to adb shell settings put <mode> <name> <value> .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.killApp(pkg: string, cb?: (err: Error) => void)
    .then(() => null);

Gets the device features. Analogous to adb shell am force-stop <package> .

  • Returns: Promise<void>

Input methods

Note: for multiple input it is more efficient to use Monkey .

device.roll(x: number, y: number, source: InputSource = 'trackball')
device.roll(100, 0)
    .then(() => null);
  • x Horizontal coordinate
  • y Vertical coordinate
  • source Optitional parameter of InputSource. Default trackball

Send roll input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input trackball roll x y .

  • Returns: Promise<void> InputSource = 'trackball')
    .then(() => null);
  • source Optitional parameter of InputSource. Default trackball

Send roll input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input trackball press .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.dragAndDrop(x1: number, y2: number, x1: number, y2: number, options?: InputOptions & { duration?: number })
device.dragAndDrop(100, 0, 200, 10, { duration: 3000 })
    .then(() => null);
  • x1 Horizontal starting coordinate

  • y1 Vertical starting coordinate

  • x2 Horizontal ending coordinate

  • y2 Vertical ending coordinate

  • options Optitional parameter of InputOptions.

    • duration? Duration of the action in ms.
    • source?: Default touchscreen .

Send roll input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen draganddrop x1 y1 x2 y2 .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.swipe(x1: number, y2: number, x1: number, y2: number, options?: InputOptions & { duration?: number })
device.swipe(100, 0, 200, 10, { duration: 3000 })
    .then(() => null);
  • x1 Horizontal starting coordinate

  • y1 Vertical starting coordinate

  • x2 Horizontal ending coordinate

  • y2 Vertical ending coordinate

  • options Optitional parameter of InputOptions.

    • duration? Duration of the action in ms.
    • source?: Default touchscreen .

Send swipe input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen swipe x1 y1 x2 y2 .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.keyEvent(code: KeyCode | number, options?: InputOptions & { longpress?: boolean })
    .then(() => null);
  • code Key code number

  • options Optitional parameter of InputOptions.

    • longpress? Longpress flag --longpress .
    • source?: Default keyboard .

Send keyevent input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input keyevent keyboard 3 .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.tap(x: number, y: number, source: InputSource = 'touchscreen')
device.tap(100, 0)
    .then(() => null);
  • x Horizontal coordinate
  • y Vertical coordinate
  • source?: Default touchscreen.

Send swipe input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen tap x y .

  • Returns: Promise<void>
device.text(text: SimpleType, source: InputSource = 'touchscreen')
device.text('some text')
    .then(() => null);
  • text Value to be written
  • source?: Default touchscreen.

Send text input command to the device shell. Analogous to adb shell input touchscreen text 'some text' . Note: text input field must be focused.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

  • device.cuctom(CustomCommand: CommandConstruct, cb?: (err: Error, value: T) => void)

class MyCommand extends TransportCommand {
    execute(serial: string) {
        return super.execute(serial, 'shell:ip route')
            .then((reply) => {
                switch (reply) {
                    case Reply.OKAY:
                        return this.parser.readAll()
                            .then(value => {
                                const valueStr = value.toString().trim();
                                return /not found/.test(valueStr) ? undefined : valueStr;
                    case Reply.FAIL:
                        return this.parser.readError();
                        return this.parser.unexpected(reply, 'OKAY or FAIL');
    .then((reply: string) => {


execute() method TransportParseAllCommand instance will automatically read all data from the stream and calls overriden parse() method. execute() method TransportParseValueCommand instance will automatically read value from the stream and calls overriden parse() method.

class MyCommand extends TransportParseAllCommand {
   protected parse(value) {
       return value;
    execute(serial: string, prop: string): Promise<SimpleType> {
        return super.execute(serial, `shell:getprop ${prop}`);
  • Returns: Promise<T>
device.openMonkey(port: number, cb?: (err: Error, value: Monkey) => void)
    .then((monkey: Monkey) => {

Establishes a new monkey connection on port 1080 . For more see Monkey .

  • Returns: Promise<Monkey>
device.exec(...args: ReadonlyArray)
    .then((output: string) => console.log(output));

Executes a given command via adb console interface.

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.execShell(...args: ReadonlyArray)
device.exec('pm list packages')
    .then((output: string) => console.log(output));

Executes a given shell command via adb console interface. Analogous to adb -s <serial> shell <command> .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
    .then((output: KeyStringObject) => console.log(KeyStringObject));

Retrieves current batery status. Analogous to adb -s <serial> shell dumpsys battery .

  • Returns: Promise<KeyStringObject>
device.rm(path: string, options?: RmOption, cb?: (err: Error | null, value: string) => void)
    .then(() => null);


  • force Adds -f flag
  • interactive Adds -i flag
  • recursive Adds -r flag

Removes file/forder specified by path paramter. Analogous to adb shell rm <filename> .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.mkdir(path: string, options?: MkDirOptions, cb?: (err: Error | null, value: string) => void)
    .then(() => null);


  • verbose Adds -v flag
  • mode Adds -m <value> flag, sets access mode
  • parent Adds -p flag, creates parent directory if needed

Creates forder specified by path paramter. Analogous to adb shell mkdir <filename> .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.touch(path: string, options?: TouchOptions, cb?: (err: Error | null, value: string) => void)
    .then(() => null);


  • aTime Adds -a flag, changes access time
  • mTime Adds -m flag, sets modification time
  • noCreate Adds -c flag
  • symlink Adds -h flag, creates symlink
  • date Adds -d <date> flag
  • time Adds -t <time> flag
  • reference Adds -r <reference> flag

Updates access and modification times of file specified by path paramter. Analogous to adb shell touch <filename> .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device. mv(srcPath: string, destDir, options?: MvOptions, cb?: (err: Error | null, value: string) => void)'/sdcard/file', '/sdcard/some-dir')
    .then(() => null);


  • force Adds -f flag
  • interactive Adds -i flag
  • verbose Adds -v flag
  • noClobber Adds -n flag, no override

Moves data with srcPath to destPath paramter. Analogous to adb shell mv <src> <dest> .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.cp(srcPath: string, destDir, options?: CpOptions, cb?: (err: Error | null, value: string) => void)
device.cp('/sdcard/file', '/sdcard/some-dir')
    .then(() => null);


  • interactive Adds -i flag

  • verbose Adds -v flag

  • noClobber Adds -n flag, no override

  • symlink Adds -s flag, creates symlink

  • recursive Adds -r flag, dest must be a directory

  • hardLink Adds -l flag

  • noDereference Adds -d flag

  • archive Adds -a flag, same as -dpr, if specified, noDereference, preserve and recursive attributes are ignored

  • noFollowSymlinks Adds -P flag

  • fololowAllSymlinks Adds -L flag

  • followListedSymlinks Adds -H flag

  • preserve Adds --preserve=[ATTRIBUTES] flag - mode - ownership - timestamps - context - xattr - all - adds all previous arrtibutes

Copies data with srcPath to destPath paramter. Analogous to adb shell cp <src> <dest> .

  • Returns: Promise<string>
device.fileStats(path: string, cb?: (err: Error | null, value: FileStats) => void)
    .then((stats: FileStats) => console.log(stats));

Gets file stats for specified path. Use instead of device.stat() Analogous to adb stats <filepath> .

  • Returns: Promise<FileStats>

adb monkey

device openMonkey(port: number, cb?: (err: Error, value: Monkey) => void)

Functions of adb monkey are described here.

   function startMonkey() {
        device.openMonkey((err, monkey) => {
            // monkey sometimes emits an error
            monkey.on('error', () => {
            // monkey might end the connection
            monkey.on('end', () => {
            monkey.tap(100, 0)

The methods take MonkeyCallback as an argument. MonkeyCallback is a generic type of (err: Error, value?: T, command?: string) => void .

monkey.send(commands: string[] | string, cb: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.send('key event 24', (err, value, command) => {

Sends a raw protocol command to monkey.

  • Returns: Monkey

Ends the connection.

  • Returns: Monkey
            .touchDown(100, 0)
            .touchUp(100, 0)
            .execute((err, values) => {

Enables to execute multiple commands at once. execute() method has to be called, output is available in execute callback.

  • Returns: CommandQueue
monkey.keyDown((keyCode: KeyCode | number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.keyDown(KeyCode.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, (err, value, command) => {

Sends a key down event. Should be used with keyUp() . Note that api. press() method performs both of these events.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.keyUp((keyCode: KeyCode | number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.keyUp(KeyCode.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, (err, value, command) => {

Sends a key down event. Should be used with keyDown() . Note that api. press() method performs both of these events.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.touchDown(x: number, y: number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.touchDown(100, 0, (err, value, command) => {

Sends a touch down event on the given coordinates.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.touchUp(x: number, y: number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.touchUp(100, 0, (err, value, command) => {

Sends a touch up event on the given coordinates.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.touchMove(x: number, y: number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.touchMove(100, 0, (err, value, command) => {

Sends a touch move event on the given coordinates.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.flipOpen(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.flipOpen((err, value, command) => {

Simulates opening the keyboard.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.flipClose(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.flipClose((err, value, command) => {

Simulates closing the keyboard.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.wake(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.wake((err, value, command) => {

Wakes the device from sleep and allows user input.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.tap(x: number, y: number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.tap(100, 0, (err, value, command) => {

Taps the given coordinates.

  • Returns: Monkey KeyCode | number, cb?: MonkeyCallback), (err, value, command) => {

Sends a key press event.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.type((str: string, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.type('some text', (err, value, command) => {

Types the given string.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.list((cb?: MonkeyCallback<string[]>)
monkey.list((err, value, command) => {

Lists supported variables. uses listvar command.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.get(name: string, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.get((err, value, command) => {

Gets the value of a variable. Use list() to retrieve a list of supported variables.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.sleep(ms: number, cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.sleep(5, (err, value, command) => {

Sleeps for the given duration.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.quit(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.quit((err, value, command) => {

Closes the current monkey session and quits monkey.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.done(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.done((err, value, command) => {

Closes the current monkey session and allows a new session to connect.

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getAmCurrentAction(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getAmCurrentAction((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('am.current.action', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getAmCurrentCategories(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getAmCurrentCategories((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('am.current.categories', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getAmCurrentCompClass(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getAmCurrentCompClass((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('am.current.comp.class', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getAmCurrentCompPackage(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getAmCurrentCompPackage((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('am.current.comp.package', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getAmCurrentData(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getAmCurrentData((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getAmCurrentPackage(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getAmCurrentPackage((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('am.current.package', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildBoard(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildBoard((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.board', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildBrand(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildBrand((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.brand', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildCpuAbi(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildCpuAbi((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.cpu_abi', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildDevice(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildDevice((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.display', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildFingerprint(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildFingerprint((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.fingerprint', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildHost(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildHost((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildId(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildId((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildManufacturer(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildManufacturer((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.manufacturer', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildModel(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildModel((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.model', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildProduct(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildProduct((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.product', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildTags(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildTags((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.tags', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildType(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildType((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.type', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildUser(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildUser((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.user', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildVersionCodename(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildVersionCodename((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.version.codename', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildVersionIncremental(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildVersionIncremental((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.version.incremental', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildVersionRelease(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildVersionRelease((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.version.release', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getBuildVersionSdk(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getBuildVersionSdk((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('build.version.sdk', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getClockMillis(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getClockMillis((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('clock.millis', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getClockRealtime(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getClockRealtime((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('clock.realtime', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getClockUptime(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getClockUptime((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('clock.uptime', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getDisplayDensity(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getDisplayDensity((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('display.density', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getDisplayHeight(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getDisplayHeight((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('display.height', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey
monkey.getDisplayWidth(cb?: MonkeyCallback)
monkey.getDisplayWidth((err, value, command) => {

Shorcut for get('display.width', cb) .

  • Returns: Monkey


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  • JavaScript 57.5%
  • TypeScript 42.5%