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Fix babashka#258: async improvements (babashka#261)
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borkdude authored Oct 9, 2022
1 parent 42a83e9 commit 2c9b547
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Showing 10 changed files with 171 additions and 121 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion nbb.edn

This file was deleted.

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions script/nbb_tests.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(deftest classpath-test
(testing "passing classpath cli arg"
(let [deps '{com.github.seancorfield/honeysql {:git/tag "v2.0.0-rc5" :git/sha "01c3a55"}}
(let [deps '{com.github.seancorfield/honeysql {:git/sha "23be700"
:git/tag "v2.3.928"}}
_ (deps/add-deps {:deps deps})
cp (cp/get-classpath)]
(is (= ["SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = ?" 2]
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(deftest local-js-require-test
(is (= {:a 1, :other.script/foo 1} (nbb {:dir "test-scripts/local-js"} "-cp" "src" "-m" "script"))))
(is (= {:a 1, :other.script/foo 1
:nss ["foo" "bar" "baz" "user"]}
(nbb {:dir "test-scripts/local-js"} "-cp" "src" "-m" "script"))))

(defn parse-opts [opts]
(let [[cmds opts] (split-with #(not (str/starts-with? % ":")) opts)]
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194 changes: 107 additions & 87 deletions src/nbb/core.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[sci.impl.vars :as vars]
[shadow.esm :as esm])
(:require-macros [nbb.macros
:as macros
:refer [with-async-bindings]]))
(:require-macros [nbb.macros :as macros]))

(set! *unrestricted* true)

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(def sci-find-ns (delay (sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) 'find-ns)))

(defn load-module [m libname as refer rename libspecs]
(defn load-module [m libname as refer rename libspecs opts]
(-> (if (some? (@sci-find-ns libname))
(js/Promise.resolve nil)
(esm/dynamic-import m))
(.then (fn [_module]
(let [nlib (normalize-libname libname)]
(when (and as nlib
(not= nlib libname))
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'alias
(list 'quote libname)
(list 'quote nlib))))
(let [libname (or nlib libname)]
(when as
(sci/binding [sci/ns (:ns opts)]
(when (and as nlib
(not= nlib libname))
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'alias
(list 'quote as)
(list 'quote libname))))
(when (seq refer)
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'clojure.core/refer
(list 'quote libname)
:only (list 'quote refer)
:rename (list 'quote rename)))))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs)))))))
(list 'quote nlib))))
(let [libname (or nlib libname)]
(when as
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'alias
(list 'quote as)
(list 'quote libname))))
(when (seq refer)
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'clojure.core/refer
(list 'quote libname)
:only (list 'quote refer)
:rename (list 'quote rename))))))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs) opts))))))

(def ^:private windows?
(= "win32" js/process.platform))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,7 +168,9 @@
;; reagent.ratom => ./nbb_reagent.js
;; reagent.dom.server => "react" + "react-dom/server" + "./nbb_reagent_dom_server.js"

(defn ^:private handle-libspecs [libspecs]
(defn ^:private handle-libspecs [libspecs ns-opts]
;; (assert (:ns ns-opts) "ns")
;; (assert (:file ns-opts) "file")
(if (seq libspecs)
(let [fst (first libspecs)
[libname & opts] (if (symbol? fst)
Expand All @@ -182,19 +183,19 @@
refer (concat (:refer opts) (:refer-macros opts))
rename (:rename opts)
munged (munge libname)
current-ns-str (str @sci/ns)
current-ns-str (str (:ns ns-opts))
current-ns (symbol current-ns-str)]
(if as-alias
(do (old-require fst)
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs)))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs) ns-opts))
(case libname
;; built-ins
(load-module "./nbb_reagent.js" libname as refer rename libspecs))
(load-module "./nbb_reagent.js" libname as refer rename libspecs ns-opts))
(load-module "./nbb_reagent.js" libname as refer rename libspecs)
(load-module "./nbb_reagent.js" libname as refer rename libspecs ns-opts)
Expand All @@ -210,7 +211,7 @@
;; could make reagent directly use loaded-modules via a global so we
;; don't have to hardcode this.
(set! ^js (.-nbb$internal$react-dom-server goog/global) mod))
(load-module "./nbb_reagent_dom_server.js" libname as refer rename libspecs)))
(load-module "./nbb_reagent_dom_server.js" libname as refer rename libspecs ns-opts)))
;; (schema.core)
;; (load-module ((.-resolve (:require @ctx)) "@babashka/nbb-prismatic-schema/index.mjs")
;; libname as refer rename libspecs)
Expand All @@ -219,11 +220,11 @@
;; libname as refer rename libspecs)
(let [feat (get feature-requires libname)]
feat (load-module feat libname as refer rename libspecs)
feat (load-module feat libname as refer rename libspecs ns-opts)
(string? libname)
;; TODO: parse properties
(let [libname (if (str/starts-with? libname "./")
(path/resolve (path/dirname @sci/file) libname)
(path/resolve (path/dirname (:file ns-opts)) libname)
[libname properties*] (split-libname libname)
munged (munge libname)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +252,7 @@
(-> sci-ctx
(sci/add-class! internal-subname mod-field)
(sci/add-import! current-ns internal-subname field))))))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs)))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs) ns-opts))
mod (js/Promise.resolve
Expand All @@ -271,29 +272,32 @@
;; assume symbol
(if (sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) (list 'clojure.core/find-ns (list 'quote libname)))
;; built-in namespace
(do (old-require fst)
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs)))
(do (sci/binding [sci/ns (:ns ns-opts)
sci/file (:file ns-opts)]
(old-require fst))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs) ns-opts))
(if-let [the-file (find-file-on-classpath munged)]
(-> (load-file the-file)
(fn [_]
(when as
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'clojure.core/alias
(list 'quote as)
(list 'quote libname))))
(when (seq refer)
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'clojure.core/refer
(list 'quote libname)
:only (list 'quote refer)
:rename (list 'quote rename))))))
(sci/binding [sci/ns (:ns ns-opts)]
(when as
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'clojure.core/alias
(list 'quote as)
(list 'quote libname))))
(when (seq refer)
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx)
(list 'clojure.core/refer
(list 'quote libname)
:only (list 'quote refer)
:rename (list 'quote rename)))))))
(.then (fn [_]
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs)))))
(handle-libspecs (next libspecs) ns-opts))))
(js/Promise.reject (js/Error. (str "Could not find namespace: " libname))))))))))
(js/Promise.resolve @sci/ns)))
(js/Promise.resolve (:ns ns-opts))))

(defn eval-ns-form [ns-form]
(defn eval-ns-form [ns-form opts]
;; the parsing is still very crude, we only support a subset of the ns form
;; and ignore everything but (:require clauses)
(let [[_ns ns-name & ns-forms] ns-form
Expand All @@ -305,16 +309,20 @@
;; ignore all :require-macros for now
other-forms (remove #(and (seq? %) (= :require-macros (first %)))
ns-obj (sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) (list 'do (list* 'ns ns-name other-forms) '*ns*))
ns-obj (sci/binding [sci/ns @sci/ns]
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) (list 'do (list* 'ns ns-name other-forms) '*ns*)))
libspecs (mapcat rest
(with-async-bindings {sci/ns ns-obj}
(handle-libspecs libspecs))))
opts (assoc opts :ns ns-obj)]
(handle-libspecs libspecs opts)))

(defn eval-require [require-form]
(let [args (rest require-form)
libspecs (mapv #(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) %) args)]
(handle-libspecs libspecs)))
libspecs (mapv #(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) %) args)
sci-ns @sci/ns
sci-file @sci/file]
(handle-libspecs libspecs {:ns sci-ns
:file sci-file})))

(defn parse-next [reader]
(sci/parse-next (store/get-ctx) reader
Expand All @@ -334,12 +342,14 @@
(js/Promise.resolve nil)
(rest form))
(= 'ns fst)
(.then (eval-ns-form form)
(.then (eval-ns-form form opts)
(fn [ns-obj]
(eval-next ns-obj reader opts)))
(eval-next ns-obj reader (assoc opts :ns ns-obj))))
(try (let [pre-await await-counter
next-val (sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) form)
next-val (sci/binding [sci/ns (:ns opts)
sci/file (:file opts)]
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) form))
post-await await-counter]
(if (= pre-await post-await)
(.then (js/Promise.resolve nil)
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(defn eval-next
"Evaluates top level forms asynchronously. Returns promise of last value."
([prev-val reader] (eval-next prev-val reader nil))
([prev-val reader opts]
(let [next-val (try (if-let [parse-fn (:parse-fn opts)]
(parse-fn reader)
(parse-next reader))
(catch :default e
(js/Promise.reject e)))]
(if (instance? js/Promise next-val)
(if (not= :sci.core/eof next-val)
(if (seq? next-val)
(eval-seq reader next-val opts)
(let [v (try (sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) next-val)
(catch :default e
(->Reject e)))]
(if (instance? Reject v)
(js/Promise.reject (.-v v))
(recur v reader opts))))
;; wrap normal value in promise
(let [wrap (or (:wrap opts)
(wrap prev-val))))))))

(defn eval-string* [s]
(with-async-bindings {sci/ns @sci/ns}
(let [reader (sci/reader s)]
(eval-next nil reader))))
[prev-val reader opts]
(let [next-val (try (sci/binding [sci/ns (:ns opts)]
(if-let [parse-fn (:parse-fn opts)]
(parse-fn reader)
(parse-next reader)))
(catch :default e
(js/Promise.reject e)))]
(if (instance? js/Promise next-val)
(if (not= :sci.core/eof next-val)
(if (seq? next-val)
(eval-seq reader next-val opts)
(let [v (try
(sci/binding [sci/ns (:ns opts)
sci/file (:file opts)]
(sci/eval-form (store/get-ctx) next-val))
(catch :default e
(->Reject e)))]
(if (instance? Reject v)
(js/Promise.reject (.-v v))
(recur v reader opts))))
;; wrap normal value in promise
(let [wrap (or (:wrap opts)
(wrap prev-val {:ns (:ns opts)})))))))

(defn eval-string* [s opts]
(let [reader (sci/reader s)]
(eval-next nil reader opts)))

(defn load-string
"Asynchronously parses and evaluates string s. Returns promise."
(with-async-bindings {warn-on-infer @warn-on-infer}
(eval-string* s)))
(let [sci-file @sci/file
sci-ns @sci/ns]
(eval-string* s {:ns sci-ns :file sci-file})))

(defn slurp
"Asynchronously returns string from file f. Returns promise."
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(defn load-file
(with-async-bindings {sci/file (path/resolve f)}
(let [sci-file (path/resolve f)
sci-ns @sci/ns]
(-> (slurp f)
(.then load-string))))
(.then #(sci/binding [sci/file sci-file
sci/ns sci-ns]
(load-string %)))
#_(.finally (fn []
(prn :finally (str @sci/ns)))))))

(defn register-plugin! [_plug-in-name sci-opts]
(store/swap-ctx! sci/merge-opts sci-opts))
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(swap! (:env (store/get-ctx)) assoc-in
[:namespaces 'clojure.core 'require]
(fn [& args] (await (.then (handle-libspecs args)
(fn [& args] (await (.then (identity ;; with-async-bindings {sci/file @sci/file}
(handle-libspecs args {:ns @sci/ns
:file @sci/file}))
(fn [_])))))

(def ^:dynamic *file* sci/file) ;; make clj-kondo+lsp happy
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8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/nbb/impl/deps.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(def default-nbb-cache-path

(defn hash-deps
"Given a map of dependencies, generates a unique hash of that map for
caching purposes."
(.. (crypto/createHash "sha1") (update (str deps) "binary") (digest "hex")))

(defn download-and-extract-deps!
"Given a map of dependencies and a path, downloads all dependencies to
'*nbb-path*/_deps/*hash-of-deps-map*/nbb-deps' and returns that full path."
Expand All @@ -30,15 +28,15 @@
(when-not (fs/existsSync unzipped-path)
(fs/mkdirSync deps-path #js {:recursive true})
(fs/writeFileSync deps-edn-path (str {:deps deps}))
(println "Downloading dependencies...")
(*print-err-fn* "Downloading dependencies...")
(cproc/execSync (str "bb --config " deps-edn-path " uberjar " jar-path))
(println "Extracting dependencies...")
(*print-err-fn* "Extracting dependencies...")
(cproc/execSync (str "bb -e '(fs/unzip \""
"\" \""
(println "Done."))
(*print-err-fn* "Done."))

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