Follow and type these in to the command line:
Clone this repo git clone
CD into the directory cd mws-restaurant-stage-1
Start a local server python3 -m http.server 8000
Open a browser (like Chrome) and enter this in the URL http://localhost:8000
For the Restaurant Reviews projects, I will incrementally convert a static webpage to a mobile-ready web application. In Stage One, I will take a static design that lacks accessibility and convert the design to be responsive on different sized displays and accessible for screen reader use. I will also add a service worker to begin the process of creating a seamless offline experience for my users.
I was provided the code for a restaurant reviews website. The code has a lot of issues. It’s barely usable on a desktop browser, much less a mobile device. It also doesn’t include any standard accessibility features, and it doesn’t work offline at all. It is horrible. My job is to update the code to resolve these issues while still maintaining the included functionality.
I got a Google API Maps key and implemented it into the web app.
I added accessibility regarding tab indexing and Aria. The site now works well with a screen reader (tested with ChromeVox).
Added Javascript to make the site work.
Added CSS to to all elements. No overflow occurs. Beauty is here. It can be more pretty.\
Explored the provided code, and started to make a plan to implement the required features in three areas: responsive design, accessibility and offline use. Service worker is currently working as far as I've tested.
Adjust margin and padding
Improve UX on different media widths
Add more features. Implement the other stages of this App.
Pivot the focus of the project from a Yelp Clone to a fun quirky web app.