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Requirements: See the environments.yaml file, or:

conda create -n annotator \
python=2.7 \
gffutils= \
bedtools=2.26 \
pybedtools=0.7.10 \

source activate annotator

conda install --override-channels \
-c conda-forge bzip2 # fixes some weird c-library issue


git clone
cd annotator
python install

Download Database File (sqlite db files created using gffutils)

Human hg19 Gencode v19

Mouse mm10 Gencode vM10

C. elegans WS257 extended*

  • WS257 canonical geneset with extra annotations for annotating upstream/downstream transcripts

Use at your own risk! Not all GTF files are of the same structure.

Annotator Example Usage:

annotator \
--input BED6_FILE \
--output OUTPUT_FILE \
--gtfdb gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.db \
--species hg19

Output file:

Outputs each original BED interval:

  • Chromosome
  • Start
  • Stop
  • Name
  • Score
  • Strand

Plus annotation stuff (tabbed):

  • Assigned Gene ID
  • Assigned Gene Name
  • Genic Region
  • Genic Region Type
  • All overlapping annotations

All overlapping annotations are | seperated, and should follow this format:


Default Priority (hg19 gencode v19):

  • protein_coding CDS
  • protein_coding start_codon
  • protein_coding stop_codon
  • protein_coding 5utr
  • protein_coding 3utr
  • protein_coding proxintron500
  • protein_coding distintron500
  • protein_coding Selenocysteine
  • non_coding exon
  • non_coding proxintron500
  • non_coding distintron500
  • non_coding transcript
  • non_coding gene
  • non_coding Selenocysteine


This script works first by prioritizing overlapping transcript regions for each gene, then by prioritizing genic regions among all overlapping genes that overlap your region of interest. As in, if a feature overlaps both a 3'UTR of Transcript A and a CDS of Transcript B (both belonging to Gene X), we decide to report Transcript B:CDS. If multiple genes overlap your feature (Gene X, Gene Y), we prioritize all transcripts within each gene first such that each gene contains a 'chosen' transcript, then prioritize each gene in the same way.

Other Options:

--transcript-priority-file determines the priority when ordering transcripts within each gene. It's a comma delimited file (See the data/priority.txt for an example) containing both the feature type, transcript type prioritized by line order. Features that are discovered to be overlapped but are not in this list will be randomly appended to the end after all explicitly prioritized features.

--gene-priority-file determines the priority when choosing which gene to report. The format is identical to transcript-priority-file.

--species specifies whether or not the database is formatted to gencodegenes specifications (ie. mm10/hg19) or to wormbase spec (ce11). Default is hg19/gencodegenes GTF convention.

--unstranded will allow for unstranded features to be selected, however if strand is specified in the BED file, we'll try to look for correctly stranded features first. If strand is not specified, we'll prioritize positive stranded features first.

--limit-chroms-to will limit the dictionary build to only include these chromosomes for faster processing and less memory footprint. Leave blank to hash all chromosomes in the db file


Given a gtf db file, create one or more bedfiles describing merged regions of interest.


create_region_bedfiles \
--db_file inputs/gencode.vM10.annotation.db \  # database file downloaded from above
--species mm10 \  # sets the gff/gtf nomenclature (essentially whether it's gencode or wormbase gtf format)
--cds_out outputs/mm10_vM10_cds.bed \  # output cds region
--proxintron_out outputs/mm10_vM10_proxintrons.bed \  # output proximal intron regions (500nt from exons)
--distintron_out outputs/mm10_vM10_distintrons.bed \  # output distal intron regions (> 500nt from exons)
--utr5_out outputs/mm10_vM10_five_prime_utrs.bed \  # output 5'UTR regions
--utr3_out outputs/mm10_vM10_three_prime_utrs.bed  # output 3' UTR regions


  • To find CDS: parse the gtf file for all 'CDS' featuretypes, then for each gene, merge overlapping regions.
  • To find prox/distal introns: parse the gtf file for all 'exon' featuretypes, then for each transcript, infer all introns. For each set of introns, classify its distance from an exon as being either 'proximal' or 'distal' by 500nt (hardcoded for now), and group each region by its gene id. Then merge overlapping regions on a per-gene basis.
  • To find 5/3' UTRs: parse the gtf file for all 'UTR' featuretypes, then use the CDS features to classify each according to whether or not it lies upstream or downstream of a transcript's CDS. Then merge overlapping regions on a per-gene basis.


  • You do NOT need to specify all output files, just the regions you are interested in
  • However in order for this to work with clip_analysis_legacy/analyze_motifs, you DO need to name the outputs as:
    • ${SPECIES}_cds.bed
    • ${SPECIES}_distintron500.bed
    • ${SPECIES}_proxintron500.bed
    • ${SPECIES}_three_prime_utrs.bed
    • ${SPECIES}_five_prime_utrs.bed
    • ${SPECIES}_exons.bed
    • ${SPECIES}_genes.bed


This script takes a file containing a column with miRNA names and appends an appropriate accession ID given either a custom name -> accession file, or a gffdb file.

Usage: \
--input inputs/all_mirnas.csv \  # tab or SEP separated file
--sep , \  # specify whether or not this file is tab, comma, or some other separated
--custom inputs/ensembl2name_GCm38_mart_export.tsv \  # if applicable, use a custom file (see below)
--name_col miRNA \  # identify the column where the name field is held
--output outputs/all_mirnas.with_ids.csv \
--gffdb inputs/mmu.mirBase_v21.GCm38.gff3.db  # the database file created from a gff file downloaded from mirbase.

Other Options:

--add_mature species whether or not you want an additional column (mature) to your table.

Using custom versus GFF files for translation:

This script can take either (or both) a gffdb file that you can download from mirbase, or a tabbed custom file from somewhere else (like ensembl biomart). This file is expected to have the format PRECURSOR_ACCESSION\tNAME\tMATURE where MATURE is an optional column linking the precursor accession to its processed mature transcript.


  • If a miRNA name is associated with more than one accession, the script will return all accessions delimited with |
  • You can use the build_gffutils_db script to create a gffdb from a gff file downloaded from mirbase.

General notes:

  • The --species flag is only important for setting the GTF file nomenclature; different GTF/GFF files have differently formatted "attributes" terminologies (see the difference between a and a gencode GTF file). Currently setting this flag to either 'ce10' or 'ce11' will assuming it is formatted the wormbase way. Otherwise the format will default to the 'gencode' nomenclature. To use another format, you will have to look at annotate_bed.get_keys(), which tells this package what keys to expect from the 'attributes' section of the GTF file.


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