R/CausalMST is a support library for extending R/qtl2, primarily associated with capabilities.reimplementation of qtl2ggplot (for data visualization). See R/qtl2 (aka qtl2) for the bigger story of the qtl2 suite of routines.
R/qtl2 is early in development and so is not yet available on CRAN.
You can install R/qtl2 from GitHub.
You will need the following packages for DOread:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "devtools", "mnormt", "corpcor", "qtl"))
Once you have installed these, install CausalMST using devtools::install_github()
Note that the R/qtl package is not required, but is used in the document cmst.Rmd
to illustrate how QTL data can be used with these routines. A more modern use of R/qtl2 is presented in mediate1_test.R
. For its use, see shinyMediate1.R
in package qtl2shiny
, where you can also learn about package dependencies. More detail is forthcoming. You will need at the least the following:
coming ...