来实现,直接输入指令即可。\begin{lstlisting}[style=Matlab-editor] function GAdsa %% 这个部分放点代码 \end{lstlisting}
numbers=left, % 在左侧显示行号
numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray}, % 设定行号格式
frame=trbl, % 单线背景边框
breaklines=true, % 设定LaTeX对过长的代码行进行自动换行
keywordstyle=\color[RGB]{40,40,255}, % 设定关键字颜色
commentstyle=\it\color[RGB]{0,96,96}, % 设置代码注释的格式
stringstyle=\rmfamily\slshape\color[RGB]{128,0,0}, % 设置字符串格式
showstringspaces=false, % 不显示字符串中的空格
language=python, % 设置语言
basicstyle=\linespread{1.0}\fontsize{10bp}{10bp}\selectfont\ttfamily, % 字体字号
extendedchars=false %对编码字符进行修改
\begin{lstlisting}[style=python_style] from PIL import Image from numpy import asarray \end{lstlisting}
\usepackage[lighttt]{lmodern}% 定义verilog相关语言支持
% Verilog Code Style
% Verilog style
language = Verilog,
commentstyle = \color{verilogcommentcolor},
alsoletter = \$'0123456789\`,
literate = *{+}{{\verilogColorOperator{+}}}{1}%
{\ /\ }{{\verilogColorOperator{\ /\ }}}{3}%
{\ _}{\ \_}{2}%
morestring = [s][\color{verilogstringcolor}]{"}{"},%
identifierstyle = \color{black},
vlogdefinestyle = \color{verilogdefinecolor},
vlogconstantstyle = \color{verilognumbercolor},
vlogsystemstyle = \color{verilogsystemcolor},
basicstyle = \scriptsize\fontencoding{T1}\ttfamily,
keywordstyle = \bfseries\color{verilogkeywordcolor},
numbers = left,
numbersep = 10pt,
tabsize = 4,
escapeinside = {/*!}{!*/},
upquote = true,
sensitive = true,
showstringspaces = false, %without this there will be a symbol in the places where there is a space
frame = single
% This is shamelessly stolen and modified from:
% https://github.com/jubobs/sclang-prettifier/blob/master/sclang-prettifier.dtx
% Language name
% save definition of single quote for testing
% Extract first character token in sequence and store in macro
% firstchar@verilog, per http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/159267/21891
% Initially empty hook for lst
% The style used for constants as set in lstdefinestyle
% The style used for defines as set in lstdefinestyle
% The style used for defines as set in lstdefinestyle
% Counter used to check current character is a digit
% Processing macro
% If we're in \lstpkg{}' processing mode...
% Save the first token in the current identifier to \@getfirstchar
% Check if the token is a backtick
% If so, then this starts a define
% Check if the token is a dollar
% If so, then this starts a system command
% Check if the token starts with a single quote
% If so, then this starts a constant without length
\advance\currentchar@verilog by \@ne%
% ...but override by keyword style if a keyword is detected!
% Add processing macro only if verilog
% Colour operators in literate
% End Verilog Code Style
\begin{lstlisting}[style={prettyverilog}] module trafic_light( input switch0,switch1, output R,G,Y ); assign Y = switch1; assign R = switch0 & ~ switch1; assign G = ~switch0 & ~ switch1; endmodule \end{lstlisting}
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("Hello world!");
指令 | 含义 |
lst_qss |
插入代码的基础需求 |
lst_matlab |
插入matlab 代码 |
lst_matlab_f |
插入matlab 代码文件 |
lst_python |
插入python 代码 |
lst_python_f |
插入python 代码文件 |
lst_verilog |
插入verilog 代码 |
lst_verilog_f |
插入verilog 代码文件 |
// 这是所有相关的代码片段
"Starting Gesture": {
"description": "Insect code starting gesture",
"prefix": "\\lst_qss",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
" inputencoding=utf8,",
" extendedchars=false, % 注释当作普通文本,不被当作LaTeX编译",
" breaklines=true % 过长注释换行",
"Starting Gesture of python": {
"description": "Insect code starting gesture of python",
"prefix": "\\lst_qss_python",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
" columns=fixed,",
" numbers=left, % 在左侧显示行号",
" numberstyle=\\tiny\\color{gray}, % 设定行号格式",
" frame=trbl, % 单线背景边框",
" breaklines=true, % 设定LaTeX对过长的代码行进行自动换行",
" keywordstyle=\\color[RGB]{40,40,255}, % 设定关键字颜色",
" numberstyle=\\footnotesize\\color{darkgray},",
" commentstyle=\\it\\color[RGB]{0,96,96}, % 设置代码注释的格式",
" stringstyle=\\rmfamily\\slshape\\color[RGB]{128,0,0}, % 设置字符串格式",
" showstringspaces=false, % 不显示字符串中的空格",
" language=python, % 设置语言",
" basicstyle=\\linespread{1.0}\\fontsize{10bp}{10bp}\\selectfont\\ttfamily, % 字体字号",
" %lineskip=10bp,",
" %baselinestretch=1,",
" inputencoding=utf8,",
" extendedchars=false %对编码字符进行修改",
"Insert python code": {
"description": "Insert python code",
"prefix": "\\lst_python",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"Insert python file": {
"description": "Insert python file",
"prefix": "\\lst_python_f",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"Starting Gesture of matlab": {
"description": "Insect code starting gesture of matlab",
"prefix": "\\lst_qss_matlab",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"\\usepackage[numbered,framed]{matlab-prettifier}%matlab 代码高亮"
"Insert matlab code": {
"description": "Insert matlab code",
"prefix": "\\lst_matlab",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"Insert matlab file": {
"description": "Insert matlab file",
"prefix": "\\lst_matlab_f",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"Starting Gesture of verilog": {
"description": "Insect code starting gesture of verilog",
"prefix": "\\lst_qss_verilog",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"\\usepackage[lighttt]{lmodern}% 定义verilog相关语言支持",
"% Verilog Code Style",
"% Verilog style",
" language = Verilog,",
" commentstyle = \\color{verilogcommentcolor},",
" alsoletter = \\$'0123456789\\`,",
" literate = *{+}{{\\verilogColorOperator{+}}}{1}%",
" {-}{{\\verilogColorOperator{-}}}{1}%",
" {@}{{\\verilogColorOperator{@}}}{1}%",
" {;}{{\\verilogColorOperator{;}}}{1}%",
" {*}{{\\verilogColorOperator{*}}}{1}%",
" {?}{{\\verilogColorOperator{?}}}{1}%",
" {:}{{\\verilogColorOperator{:}}}{1}%",
" {<}{{\\verilogColorOperator{<}}}{1}%",
" {>}{{\\verilogColorOperator{>}}}{1}%",
" {=}{{\\verilogColorOperator{=}}}{1}%",
" {!}{{\\verilogColorOperator{!}}}{1}%",
" {^}{{\\verilogColorOperator{$\\land$}}}{1}%",
" {|}{{\\verilogColorOperator{|}}}{1}%",
" {=}{{\\verilogColorOperator{=}}}{1}%",
" {[}{{\\verilogColorOperator{[}}}{1}%",
" {]}{{\\verilogColorOperator{]}}}{1}%",
" {(}{{\\verilogColorOperator{(}}}{1}%",
" {)}{{\\verilogColorOperator{)}}}{1}%",
" {,}{{\\verilogColorOperator{,}}}{1}%",
" {.}{{\\verilogColorOperator{.}}}{1}%",
" {~}{{\\verilogColorOperator{$\\sim$}}}{1}%",
" {\\%}{{\\verilogColorOperator{\\%}}}{1}%",
" {\\&}{{\\verilogColorOperator{\\&}}}{1}%",
" {\\#}{{\\verilogColorOperator{\\#}}}{1}%",
" {\\ /\\ }{{\\verilogColorOperator{\\ /\\ }}}{3}%",
" {\\ _}{\\ \\_}{2}%",
" ,",
" morestring = [s][\\color{verilogstringcolor}]{\"}{\"},%",
" identifierstyle = \\color{black},",
" vlogdefinestyle = \\color{verilogdefinecolor},",
" vlogconstantstyle = \\color{verilognumbercolor},",
" vlogsystemstyle = \\color{verilogsystemcolor},",
" basicstyle = \\scriptsize\\fontencoding{T1}\\ttfamily,",
" keywordstyle = \\bfseries\\color{verilogkeywordcolor},",
" numbers = left,",
" numbersep = 10pt,",
" tabsize = 4,",
" escapeinside = {/*!}{!*/},",
" upquote = true,",
" sensitive = true,",
" showstringspaces = false, %without this there will be a symbol in the places where there is a space",
" frame = single",
"% This is shamelessly stolen and modified from:",
"% https://github.com/jubobs/sclang-prettifier/blob/master/sclang-prettifier.dtx",
"% Language name",
" \\expandafter{\\language@verilog}",
" ",
"% save definition of single quote for testing",
"% Extract first character token in sequence and store in macro ",
"% firstchar@verilog, per http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/159267/21891",
"% Initially empty hook for lst",
"% The style used for constants as set in lstdefinestyle",
" {\\def\\constantstyle@verilog{#1}}",
"% The style used for defines as set in lstdefinestyle",
" {\\def\\definestyle@verilog{#1}}",
"% The style used for defines as set in lstdefinestyle",
" {\\def\\systemstyle@verilog{#1}}",
"% Counter used to check current character is a digit",
" ",
"% Processing macro",
" % If we're in \\lstpkg{}' processing mode...",
" \\ifnum\\lst@mode=\\lst@Pmode%",
" % Save the first token in the current identifier to \\@getfirstchar",
" \\expandafter\\getfirstchar@verilog\\expandafter{\\the\\lst@token}%",
" % Check if the token is a backtick",
" \\expandafter\\ifx\\firstchar@verilog\\backtick@verilog",
" % If so, then this starts a define",
" \\let\\lst@thestyle\\definestyle@verilog%",
" \\else",
" % Check if the token is a dollar",
" \\expandafter\\ifx\\firstchar@verilog\\dollar@verilog",
" % If so, then this starts a system command",
" \\let\\lst@thestyle\\systemstyle@verilog%",
" \\else",
" % Check if the token starts with a single quote",
" \\expandafter\\ifx\\firstchar@verilog\\quotesngl@verilog",
" % If so, then this starts a constant without length",
" \\let\\lst@thestyle\\constantstyle@verilog%",
" \\else",
" \\currentchar@verilog=48",
" \\loop",
" \\expandafter\\ifnum%",
" \\expandafter`\\firstchar@verilog=\\currentchar@verilog%",
" \\let\\lst@thestyle\\constantstyle@verilog%",
" \\let\\iterate\\relax%",
" \\fi",
" \\advance\\currentchar@verilog by \\@ne%",
" \\unless\\ifnum\\currentchar@verilog>57%",
" \\repeat%",
" \\fi",
" \\fi",
" \\fi",
" % ...but override by keyword style if a keyword is detected!",
" %\\lsthk@DetectKeywords% ",
" \\fi",
"% Add processing macro only if verilog",
" \\ifx\\lst@language\\languageNormedDefd@verilog%",
" \\let\\addedToOutput@verilog\\@ddedToOutput@verilog%",
" \\fi",
"% Colour operators in literate",
" \\ifnum\\lst@mode=\\lst@Pmode\\relax%",
" {\\bfseries\\textcolor{verilogoperatorcolor}{#1}}%",
" \\else",
" #1%",
" \\fi",
"% End Verilog Code Style",
"Insert verilog code": {
"description": "Insert verilog code",
"prefix": "\\lst_verilog",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [
"Insert verilog file": {
"description": "Insert verilog file",
"prefix": "\\lst_verilog_f",
"scope": "latex,tex",
"body": [