Register the oauth service of choice.
OAuthToken has to conforms to AuthenticatableOAuthToken
including a authenticate
Register the RouteCollection to serve the route at the redirectURI as configured in the service. As soon as the redirection completes and the bearer token is returned and verified, the extended Access-Token will be stored within the cache. Retrieve the Access-Token from cache at any time for custom operations.
example Implementation:
struct EmailAccessToken: GoogleToken, AuthenticatableOAuthToken {
var endpoint: URL
var accessToken: AccessTokenClaim?
var email: String?
var expiresIn: ExpiresInClaim?
var refreshToken: RefreshTokenClaim?
var scope: ScopeClaim
func authenticate(token: EmailAccessToken, for request: Vapor.Request) async throws {
request.auth.login(token) }
let tokenEndpoint = ""
let authenticationEndpoint = ""
let infoEndpoint = ""
guard let infoendpointURL = URL(string: infoEndpoint)
else { throw Abort(.notFound) }
let clientID = "CLIENT_ID"
let clientSecret = "CLIENT_SECRET"
let redirectURI = "REDIRECT_URI"
let scope = ScopeClaim(stringLiteral: "")
let emailToken = EmailAccessToken(
endpoint: infoendpointURL,
scope: scopeClaim)
let oauthgoogle = GoogleService(
authenticationEndpoint: authenticationEndpoint,
tokenEndpoint: tokenEndpoint,
clientID: clientID,
clientSecret: clientSecret,
redirectURI: redirectURI,
scope: scope)
try await oauthGoogle, token: emailToken)