A temporary repo for event determinism and event serializability checking implemented for POPL'17.
Instrumentor library
- Contains the code that instruments an application with the "Instrumentation" library
Instrumentation library which contains:
- Event-determinism checker code
- Event-serializability checker code
- Android library models
- Stubs for Android classes referenced by the applications
Android applications with driver classes to run the applications
- Aarddict app
- Apphangar app
- Bookworm app
- GrandRiverTransit app
- Irccloud app
- Vlillechecker app
Java SDK 8
Set JPF_HOME path variable to your jpf home directory.
${JPF_HOME}/jpf-core/bin/jpf must be accessible.
(Optional) You can modify the JPF exploration parameters in Test.jpf file inside the app directory. But make sure that you have added the AssertionProperty listener.
Apache Ant
An application can be compiled, instrumented and then the event serializability is checked by using the following command. It checks the event-serializability of the events invoked in the driver class specified in Test.jpf file.
Compile and instrument an app:
cd checker
ant -Dapp.name=irccloud app
To check for the determinism or serializability of the events under analysis, provide your .jpf file that specifies the target driver class along with some properties.
ant -Dapp.name=irccloud -Djpf.file=SerSendClickUser verify-app
(Optional) You can print the accesses processed by the determinism or the serializability checker by running the app in the LOGRWDET or LOGRWSER mode respectively.
ant -Dapp.name=irccloud -Dmode=LOGRWSER -Dapp.class=SerSendClickUser run-app