Buildkite Cloudwatch Metrics Publisher has been deprecated and no longer maintained. You can now use buildkite-metrics’ AWS Lambda function support to send Buildkite build metrics to CloudWatch.
A CloudFormation stack that runs buildkite-metrics every 15 seconds and publishes the results to CloudWatch metrics. This stack is used as part of the Elastic CI Stack for AWS.
The easiest way to install is to press the above button and then enter your org slug and your Buildkite API Access Token (with the read_pipelines
, read_builds
, read_agents
scopes enabled).
Alternately, run via the command-line:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--output text \
--stack-name buildkite-cloudwatch-metrics-publisher \
--disable-rollback \
--template-body "" \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameters ParameterKey=BuildkiteApiAccessToken,ParameterValue=BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE \
ParameterKey=BuildkiteOrgSlug,ParameterValue=BUILDKITE_ORG_SLUG_GOES_HERE \
After the stack is run you will have the metrics generated by buildkite-metrics populated in CloudWatch.
See (MIT)