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A GitHub Action for uploading an app build or workshop item to Steam


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Buildalon Upload to Steam

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A GitHub Action to setup the steamcmd command alias.

Exported Env Vars

  • STEAM_CMD the steamcmd directory location.
  • STEAM_DIR the steam install directory location.
  • STEAM_TEMP the temp steam directory location.

How to use

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ macos-latest, windows-latest, ubuntu-latest ]

      # download and setup the steamcmd
      - uses: buildalon/setup-steamcmd@v1
      # run commands
      - run: |
          which steamcmd
          steamcmd +help +quit

For a full list of steamcmd commands see this list.

A GitHub Action for uploading an app build or workshop item to Steam.

How to use

This action assumes you are registered as a partner with Steam.

This action also assumes some secrets to be set in your repository:

  • STEAM_USERNAME: The username of your steamworks build account
  • STEAM_PASSWORD: The password for the account
  • STEAM_SHARED_SECRET: Optional, a SteamGuard shared secret (setup steps)
  • STEAM_CONFIG: Optional, a steam account config.vdf encoded as base64 string (setup steps)
  • STEAM_SSFN: Optional, a steam ssfn file encoded as base64 string. Optional, with STEAM_CONFIG setup.
  • STEAM_SSFN_NAME: Optional, the name of the STEAM_SSFN file that was encoded. Required with STEAM_SSFN.


    # sets up the steamcmd command alias
  - uses: buildalon/setup-steamcmd@v1
    # uploads a build or workshop item to steam
  - uses: buildalon/upload-steam@v1
    id: upload
      username: ${{ secrets.STEAM_USERNAME }}
      config: ${{ secrets.STEAM_CONFIG }}
      app_id: 1000
      description: 'Your build description here'
      content_root: '${{ github.workspace }}/Build'
      set_live: 'beta'
      depot_file_exclusions: |
      install_scripts: 'localization/german/german_installscript.vdf'
    # use outputs
  - run: |
      manifest="${{ steps.upload.outputs.manifest }}"
      cat $manifest
    shell: bash


Name Description Required
username A Steamworks build account name with the "Edit App Metadata" and "Publish App Changes To Steam" permissions granted. true
password The password for the account. if config is not provided.
totp A temporary one time pass code (totp) from SteamGuard. if shared_secret and config are not provided
shared_secret The shared secret from SteamGuard's two-factor authentication. if totp and config are not provided.
config Steam config.vdf encoded as base64 string. if password, totp and shared_secret are not provided.
ssfn Steam SSFN file encoded as base64 string. This is an optional addition to config. Optional, if config is provided.
ssfn_name The name of the encoded ssfn file if ssfn is provided.
app_id The app id of the game. if app_build or workshop_item are not provided.
workshop_item_id The publishedfileid. To create a new item app_id must be set and workshop_item_id be set to 0. To update an existing item, both app_id and workshop_item_id must be set. for workshop item uploads and if workshop_item is not provided.
description Either the build description or workshop item description. If an app_build or workshop_item file is provided, this will be ignored. false
content_root The root folder of your game files or workshop item files, can be an absolute or relative path. If an app_build or workshop_item file is provided, this will be ignored. Defaults to github.workspace. false
set_live Beta branch name to automatically set live after successful build, none if empty. Note that the default branch can not be set live automatically. That must be done through the App Admin panel. If an app_build file is provided, this will be ignored. false
depot_file_exclusions A list of paths to exclude from the depot that will excluded mapped files again and can also contain wildcards like ? or *. If app_build or depots are provided, this will be ignored. false
install_scripts The path(s) to a predefined install_script.vdf file(s). If app_build or depots are provided, this will be ignored. false
depots The path(s) to a predefined depot_build.vdf file(s). If an app_build file is provided, this will be ignored. Overrides install_scripts and depot_file_exclusions. false
app_build The path to a predefined app_build.vdf file. Overrides all other set options. false
workshop_item 'Optional, The path to a predefined workshop_item.vdf file. Overrides all other set options. false


  • manifest: The path to the resulting build manifest.

Multi-Factor Authentication Setup

Deploying to Steam requires using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This action requires at least one of these authentication methods are set:

  • totp: A temporary one time pass code (totp) from SteamGuard Authenticator app.
  • config: Steam config.vdf encoded as base64 string.
  • shared_secret: The shared secret from SteamGuard's two-factor authentication.

Temporary One Time Pass Code

Can be obtained from SteamGuard Authenticator app. Usually is temporary and resets after a set amount of time.


To setup steamcmd for continuous integration, or just on a machine or VM that will get re-imaged frequently, you'll need to include the config file that contains your login token. Follow these steps so that your initial login token is properly saved:

  • Download steamworks sdk
  • Unzip steamworks in your desired location
  • Open in explorer or finder
  • Navigate to sdk/tools/ContentBuilder/builder (or osx/linux if on non-windows)
  • Copy the path to the steamcmd executable (steamcmd.exe for windows, for osx/linux)
  • In a new terminal run <sdk>/steamcmd.exe +login <username>
    • If prompted, enter your password and the SteamGuard totp
  • Type info, and you should see your account listed as connected
  • Type quit
  • The folder where you ran steamcmd should now contain new content with config directory.
    • <sdk>/config/config.vdf
    • If you're unable to locate this file, it can also be located in your steam installation directory
      • windows: C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/config/config.vdf
      • linux: ~/home/<user>/Steam/config/config.vdf
      • osx: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/config/config.vdf
  • Encode the file to base64 string
    • In a new bash terminal run base64 <sdk>/config/config.vdf > encoded_config.txt
  • Copy the contents of the encoded text file and paste it in STEAM_CONFIG secret in github actions.


If you change your account's security settings or get a new code sent to your email, you'll need to follow these steps again.

Shared Secret


Obtaining a shared secret from the SteamGuard Authenticator app is challenging and complicated. It is recommended to use the config setup. This shared secret should not be checked into source control or shared with anyone!


If you've already got SteamGuard setup for your account and you remove it, you'll have to wait 3 days before being able to publish a live build.

  • Detailed instructions can be found here