This project is a RESTful API built using Node and Express. The purpose of this project is to provide a Backend for a Chef Portfolio web application. User registration, login, post creation, deletion, fetching, or editing, are all handled here.
- The server is run using Node.
- Express is a minimalist Node web application framework for building APIs.
- SQLite3 was used for development.
- Postgres is an advanced open source relational database that supports both SQL (relational) querying. It was used for production.
- Knex is a SQL query builder for JavaScript.
- Jsonwebtoken is used for authenticating users.
- Bcrypt is used for hashing passwords.
- Helmet adds a base layer of security by hiding basic info about the API when interacting with it.
- Dotenv allows the server to interact with environment variables.
- Cors is a dependency used to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing. This allows the Frontend client to interact with the Backend.
- Cross-env allows the developer to set environment variables in a script.
- Jest is the library used for writing tests.
- Supertest is the dependency used for making "requests" in jest tests.
- Node
- Express
- SQLite3 (Development)
- Postgres (Production)
- Knex
- Bcryptjs
- Jsonwebtoken
- Cors
- Helmet
- Dotenv
- Nodemon (Development)
- Cross-Env (Development)
- Jest (Development)
- Supertest (Development)
Install dependencies
npm install
Run database migrations
knex migrate:latest
Run tests
npm run test
Run the server
npm run server
If you would like to make a request to the post endpoint, a valid JSON web token is required in your request headers.authorization. This token is acquired by successfully registering an account and logging in.
POST /api/users/register
Name | Type | Description |
username | String | Users username |
password | String | Users password |
String | Users email |
will create a new user: username, password and email are required fields.
Register Success
"message": "User created successfully",
"user": {
"id": 2,
"username": "Conan",
"password": "$2a$10$tFhGw0FHkx4MhiuOBRmOcOEzeRCImhN5t5ejcOJrdCQi5p5yHXMRy",
"email": "[email protected]"
POST /api/users/login
Name | Type | Description |
username | String | Users username |
password | String | Users password |
String | Users email |
will log the user in, and send back a token: username, password and email are required.
Login Success
"message": "Welcome Conan",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOjEsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiQ29uYW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1NjQzMjA5NjIsImV4cCI6MTU2NDQwNzM2Mn0.jKuakswxvOglUheZGkAYdZ-31up4_rYmGsqQIJAmvHg"
will return an object with one property('message') and array('posts') that consists of other objects(individual posts).
will return an object with one property('message') and the post(object) that is corresponding to the post at that ID.
will return an object with one property('message') and array('chefs') that consists of other objects(individual chefs).
will return an object with one property('message') and the chef(object) that is corresponding to the chef at that ID.
will return an object with one property('message') and the ingredient(object) that has properties that one of them is array(post) that has posts(objects) that have the specified ingredient.
will return an object with one property('message') and the chef(object) that is corresponding to the city that is specified.
will add a new post, and return the created object: title, meal_type, description, ingredient, and directions are required fields.
imgURL, yield, serving, prep_time, total_time, cook_time, oven_temperature are optional
will delete the post at this ID, with the message: Post has been deleted
will edit the post at this ID, and return the edited object: title, meal_type, description, ingredient, and directions are required fields