Tests input are written in file.
Currently supported Formats are JSON.
: TestCase is a dictionay, which key's are label of input/ output Pin Component and value's are hex/binary represented string.
Test file contains an array of TestCase
Single Test :
Pin with label "in1" would be converted to Constant component and that Constant will have value 12hex.
Pin with label "in2" would be converted to Constant component and that Constant will have value 10101010binary.
Multiple Test:
"input 1" : "0x123",
"input 2" : "0x456",
"output 1" : "0x789",
"input 1" : "0xabc",
"input 2" : "0xdef",
- Download Logisim-Circuit-Tester.jar
- Make sure logisim-generic-2.7.1.jar are in same folder
java -jar Logisim-circuit-Tester.jar --help
Logisim1 saves circuits as .circ xml file. Most of circuit has Input and outpt as Pin component. There are also Constant component which accept hex/binary number as input. But Pin component doesnot accept number as input.
What if for a given circuit we change our intended input/output Pin component to Constant component and assign number to that constant? It works
So, We change input Pin component to Constant component and set input value, then load logisim with modified circuit. Logisim will comput output value from input Constant values.(No need to manually input value , hard work gone)
If output Pin component is changed accordingly , Then output value can be verified by monitoring color of wire.
logisim-generic-2.7.1.jar is attached from latest release ↩