is a little Python framework for scheduling jobs to be run on remote systems. It depends on the Fabric module for executing remote shell commands, and otherwise only uses the standard library. sched
accepts new jobs by running the script via the command line. It also allows removing or viewing previously scheduled jobs. sched
uses the UNIX at
utility to automatically run scheduled jobs. sched
uses pickling to store it's state when the program is closed. To access information about jobs that are run automatically, there is logging written to the file job_history.log
Scheduling a new job with sched
takes at minimum a command and a time to execute that command. The time parameter can be specified in any format that is supported by the UNIX at
utility, and commands can be anything executable by a shell. If no parameters for a remote shell are specified, it defaults to the local shell.
$ python sched.py --method=add --command='echo Hello World' --time='now + 1 minute'
It also has a number of options to support more powerful commands, for executing arbitrary jobs on remote systems at a specified time.
$ python sched.py --method=add --command='sh my_script.sh' --time='2:30 PM 9/21/2015' --filepath='/dir/where/output/goes/' --user=myusername --host=mysshserver.com --password=youllneverguess```