This plugin adds drag and drop functionality using json.
Almost all the code of this plugin originates from: so the credits should go there.
To install use:
You are using jQuery, this will not work with another library
You have git installed
You use this on your own risk
There are some assumptions/defaults for this plugin. Based on these I will give a simple setup of an example use.
rails g scaffold Page title:string parent_id:integer position:integer
Make sure that the position has a default value, otherwise errors may occur
rake db:migrate
in app/controllers/pages_controller :
nested_sortable_data_source_for :page, :columns => [[:title, 'My title'], [:created_at, 'Created:']]
in your layout in the head section (haml style):
= include_nested_sortable_if_needed
resources :pages do collection do get :order post :order end end
In your view (assuming jQuery is already used in the project, and haml) :javascript
$(function(){ $('#pages_tree').NestedSortableWidget({ loadUrl: "#{url_for(:action => :order, :format => :json)}", saveUrl: "#{url_for(:action => :order, :format => :json)}", handle: true, text:{ handle: "[drag]", saveButton: "Update hierarchy" }, colsWidth: [300] }); });
And now you’re done